another monitor journal

does anyone play with a 22" at the mo?

whats it like?

does it take time to get used to?

is it better getting a 19" with lower response time?
whatever's cheaper
my dream is to play in cinema ET

omg that would awesome ^^
HhHAhahHAAHHAhahAHHAHAHahhAHhaa look who's speaking XO
beemer will do the trick also ;)
friend does play it sometimes that way pretty insane tbh.
get a projector then. I had one at uni and used to play on 8ft screen
Hah my bro played Q3 on a wall @ his flat with a projector :D Rly cool stuff imo but not for serious gaming ofc
22 is good for et but only at default resolution [otherwise - it sux]
You will probably suffer badly from refreshrate [most of panoramics tfts are 60hz only :X] BUT you get used to it very quickly.....

+ you rly can see MORE with this shit ;D
just get a wh and you can see more as well. x)
cant say something about the 22" but i do know that a low refresh rate is horrible for playing shooters
shit for fps's but great for mmo's
i have one and it owns playing with 1680:1050
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