german stuff

i know it's allowed to drink light alcohol when u r 16. But can u be drunk ? I mean , can police say anything to u ?
when u drive with bike drunken, they can stop u.. but afaik u can be drunken, depends at the place where u stay..
afaik they can take you home and show you to your parents.
and what happens then ? :d nothing
if you're 16 you should stop saying that you're 18.
would they drive spanish people to their home?
They will say, hey drunk bastard, how old are you?
and i would answer : enough
when you got more than 0.25 pro mille ye ;)
yes ofc i got sometimes caught when i was 16 if u are drunken, like u cant walk that normal and ure 16 they will take u immeadiately to the station(police station)..ur parents have to pick u up if ure 17 the problem is not the same ;)
never got probs
there is no law that says you cant be drunken imo
get drunk, hide untill ur hangover wears of.
every1 knows that:s.
being drunk in public places is generally illigal no matter what age :/
umrite menti da zakoni prostq s neba ne hvataet zvezd nam vse do pizdi pam pam
ty vessar for those kind words <3
I 100% think you didn't understand a word out of there and you think I flamed you in russian or what ever. :D
OK, a special tip only for you :







never had probs, sometimes they wrote my name and adress down but nothing ever happend
I'm going to Berlin for 1 week soon, what are the restrictions with alcohol?
beer/whine ->16
hard stuff -> 18

but noone really cares
Mkee, but I'm not very tall but I'll take some girls with me ;)
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