Just recieved...

My new Sennheiser Pc-151 ::D:D.

But 1 question, there's a on / off button on it, but if I turn it to off only my microphone is muted, is that normal? Because I hoped that there was a button to get my sound muted aswell.
normal, got it aswell
why wud u wanna get ur sounds muted?
Ok :< , I'll just put the volume lower when I'm listening through my stereo.
icemat only imo
Sennheiser is nothing without the USB :( you bought the cheap version :/
If you've got a beast soundcard it pwns the USB.
i know :) but i dont :p Still would have bought the "165" or whats it called now? "161" bah the "16x"
Well there's a difference between €50, and €120,- :p.
Yea lol, i would have bought the one you bought aswell, cos there is really no diffrence that big that motivate €70 :)
You speak to much crap.
Lucky for the cf couminty, you aren´t :)
n1 pwner :P
now you can hide you hax with the excuse "i have a sennheiser" just like me! :DdD:d;d;dD
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