Random facts about last night

wEAK got absolutely fucked by about 3am. This wasnt helped by fireball waiting behind a cabin door before proceeding to scare the living bejesus out of him. Picture a cat scardd to death, you get the picture.

cZar rolled up to the cabins in their cars and did a few doughnut spins in the car park area. mesqi then tried getting into the locked admin cabins, at which point those in the know started laughing. mesqi thought this was aimed at him in general, and so tried to ignore it by opening the door again. Only then did he get the idea :)

Efax tried to act all ghetto hardman by squaring upto someon who i was too gone to remember the name of. Needless to say it wasnt very convincing.

Arachon did not enjoy the combination of much beer and 4 hours sleep. He looked like a walking ghost this morning. I suppose thats not a random last night fact but who cares.

SRP decided at 4.30am that their stomachs were growing restless (i dont think they had had any lunch or dinner) and so split up in different directions in their quest. Its a good 20 minute walk into town, and I havent seen them since.

The story continues
lolol Efax teh gangsta
post pics, they tell the best stories!! fjuuuuuuunööööööö!!!!
fjunöör *
*yes or I'll eat your moustache
left both my cameras behind !
wise decision.. after the pics of potter and u @ ibis hotel ure acting ahead now? :d

edit: i wouldnt comment this one too :*
' at which point those in the know started laughing'
Come on, they laughed at my jokezz!
'Those must be the Belgians!'
unexpected @ efax :P
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