
I dont know wether juize's story is true but Ins acted retardly. He had all the morning to call spho, he had all day to message him, to tell him he cant come, then somehow after like more than half a day juize comes with an fucking wierd story, hes "sister got hurt in her head" RIGHT on cdc's weekend. Wheres ins? Did it took you half day to think of an excuse? Are you fucking retard or just a cheater?

Juize, it's a total bullshit.
a true nutella moment
I think it's pretty lame to blame Juize, I believe him tbh. Allthough Ins should have called spho!
Yeah maybe I shouldnt blame juize, but what the fuck with ins? he had all day to say this.
True that. And I really understand your way of thinking ;)
and if not, you and the others are the ones to blame for retarded behaviour.
Whatever if the story is true, ins couldnt inform the others?
ma ata homo?

bedvarim kaele asur leitarev :(
not the same person :-O
slajdan on 21/09/07, 20:23:09 PM | Reply

not the same person :-O
slajdan=gAy it all makes sense now
Also it is pretty funny that the story is changing all the time. x-]
I forgot what was ur excuse not to go to CDC :o ?
3 clans with invite that disbanned and then I got image: denied from the uni because I missed a stupid interview(but I kinda aced 2ndary upper highschool(except swedish A and english A where I failed but, but funnily enough I aced swedish B, english B and C) but "ooooh we think you are a mohammed so we wont accept you anyways lol) and now I have to be an "active job searcher" or no money for me. x-] All this shit you can thank everyone 18+ in Sweden that voted for moderaterna.

+I had no clan in the end that could go and I didn't realy felt like playing with a mix team playing for fun and that would end low, as I have no interest in going all the way to holland to drink or smoke shit.

*I want to play CPC4 :-X
Haha, you gave alot of toughts before publishing it. :O
I was actually talking to my dad about SK. ;-D
It makes me sick you guys don't believe the story..
I dont care about the story, why juize comes up with the story after almost a full day, without saying anything to anyone.
I bet that his first concern was his sister and not informing the lame xfire community who doesn't believe him anyway...
What about ins then?
ins could have delivered a call to spho, I agree. BUT that doesn't mean I start disliking him like all of you do at this moment :/ . If his mum says he isn't allowed to go, she will probably have her reasons for that
As I wrote before, the story and times are changing all the time. She is like 16-17 or what? Lives in holland like 1h away by buss? Bestest friend of vanq and still playing with him(he have another ID and clan but I don't remember the name but someone else wrote them in one of the 100 journals today) even if not playing officials with vanq, he knows who he is and what clan he plays for.
make me care
*added content
mentiz'Revox there
Exactly what slajdan said, you got me wrong, I was talking about ins.
check the reply given to slajdan for the big answer you want to hear from the almighty, and oh so powerfull and dangerous Gnomie
yes, HAXX
hes 18 .. and his parenst doesnt allow him to go ?!
would be fucking sad if he made up that story about his sis:)

And why do you geeks all care so much.. who fucking cares if he cant come to some event..
@ first.. i didnt go to school 2day i had an headache because i stressed 2much.. when my girlfriend finished school for 2day (12.00) i went to see her to get my mind off... ins called me 14:00 with some info.. when i came home i started reading xfire.. and i was expecting ins would get all the shit over him.. thats why i made a journal to inform why he didnt went, because if he would write it himself he would probably be flamed and hated...

it makes me realise even more that this community is retarted.. u dont have to believe me if i tell you what happend to my sister and my family.. but dont say it made u laugh or something, that just hurts alot..

Thanks to the people who do care about my sister.. and fuck you to the retarted people on this site, i pity you, one day u will find urself....
You need to be a retard to doubt the excuse?! Come one, you can`t blame anyone for doubting the excuse of ins as it`s really a bit crazy. Not your part of the story, but at least that he didn`t inform anyone etc etc etc.
i know its weird that he didnt let anyone know he wasnt going.. but it quite hurts to see people think i made this story up..
im not a retard!
If that realy happend, you wouldn't give a fuck about what people wrote on this site.
If it is true, gl with recovering.
If it is not, she can die of aids as far as I care.
i dont give a fuck actually, just dont want u retards to blame ins
Wont help ins an inch with keeping on replying, go take care of your sister instead if it is true :-X
theres nothing more id like to do then go to my sister.. its just impossble planes are like never flying up there.. its fucking expensive , i got school, i got work.. i got to take care of my other sister..

i keep replying cause i feel sorry for ins, he will become hated by this community just because of my personal problems.. :(
You realy think your friends reputation on a fucking community site, your work and your school is more important than your sister?
So stop with the fucking melodrama please, it's fucking more embarrassing than danones's dropouts with his mother and going alone by car as a 15 year old and shit.

btw I couldn't go because my whole family was taken as hostage by Al-qaida, also my friends hampster got aids so and he had to go with me even though im 19....

And do they realy let in banned players on cdc3 if you was gonna stay with him all the time as a little parrot?

If you want to make ins look less retarded you should paste some fucking proof about your sister.
damn u must be the biggest retart on this site.. ur story doesnt make sense as a whole.. as if iam gonna look for proof now :S its up to you to believe it, if u dont? thats ok but dont act retarted
What part didn't you get?
And if that happened I bet you received some pappers of the event, take a pic then and paste it here if your friends reputation on this site realy matters that much to you.
You say you want to save your friends reputation and I am trying to help you with it, wtf?
well iam sorry but u didnt make it sound like that
(19:34:38) (insseh) 3on3 low- now hvsrvr
yes i got a big dick
si i ain`t not the lan 2
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