i'm leaving you !

I ve played this game for 4 or 5 years now, dont want to think now btw, and when i stopped being fully active like 2 years ago, i must tell you, i hate the most of you!

you - cheaters have broken this game. and dont tell me any cheater is reading this!
(try to find 3v3 with med+ skill and have fun)

now, when im leaving my small town to go study in lublin [polish will know the city],im leaving that sucky community, its true there are several okay persons, but most of you are nolfing kids [i wont disagree that mostly polish]

and i cant understand these clan hoppers, since always ive played or been playing including these fun wars with the same ppl with some several changes, cant understand how you enjoy playing every week with different people.

and that 0,7 with my friend isnt the reason im writing this

i can only with you luck [to several clans] to kill these fuckers and hf to my mates with qw witout me


wish me luck on my driving license test next week:(

and btw. 15 yold complexed kids, polish connections aint best, but theres the other reason that you are loosing to us

im taking only a laptop with me to have fun of next busted ppl in this game ;|
totally agree with you , gl in real life dude !
gl with your driving license test next week :)
Thx and bb, I've enjoyed the time when I was playing with you.
+1 gl IRL man :)
jedz plynnie to masz zdane (jesli oczywiscie nie zrobisz jakiegos powazniejszego bledu), gl

agree with you on all btw =)
w tym osrodku tylko jedno pasuje do zdania - zDasz przez duze D, tarnobrzeg..
jezeli wiec nie da sie inaczej, no to zDaj :)
a fucked up community
people that see cheats evrywhere are about as fcked up as the cheaters themselves. cant count the number of times that people started calling me names and acting like retards because they THINK they saw a wh.

And on pubs u cant play for 1 minute without some1 screaming cheater to an other person
I didn't call anyone a cheater without some nice proofs. Same as wildcat. So don't say that all people whine etc., because atm you are whining.
I am? I just got back from a random pub where a guy kept killing me in long spawn and calling me names all the time. So im whining when i say that its a really retarded way of behaving by alot of ppl?

I never said u were such a person, just saying that there are two sides to the medal.

Grow up, and reason with me like a man instead of taking it all personal
The problem is that there is many people who react like "he wrote something about cheaters... whiner! #die.pls!" without checking anything, I didn't write that you had done this, but I've just wanted to explain this situation.

And I agree with you, that people who call everyone a cheater only because they are better are retarded.
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