bremen_b3 released :d

Hellow :]

Here u can see new unoffical screenshots of bremen_b3
Thanks to h3ll and his BEATIFUL ettv ;D

image: shot0000iu9 bremen_b3 is also called radar_final2. in bremen_b2 u must capture the flag, but in bremen_b3 u must steal the radar parts too... but... dunno where to :D

__________________________ image: shot0001sc1
Here u can build the MG4000, the most powerful weapon in whole ET

Have a look here: image: Hetzer_MG_01

__________________________ image: shot0002fw7 Attention: do NOT drive too fast...
Strafing is absolutly forbidden!
if u break the rules, u pay a penalty!

it's the same like: image: radarfalle_geblitzt_4774

___________________________ image: shot0003xb6 Only if the CP is built, u can open the doors. so u need a covert op to get in this gerage. this is the most difficult part in bremen_b3! the CP will give the Allies a forward spawn :D

I was wondering, cuz many objectives changed their places... :s
Comments allowed

edit: my engl sucks, but i dont care :d
sounds n1ce
looks great
ettv bugs are always funny
Haha, took me few mins to understand the joke. :O
oh cool, what a pity i stopped playing et :<
better than ET:QW!1111oeneoneone
i dont play et:qw either, infact i dont play any games anymore
why? rl? :(
yup, but its always fun to read xfire
Meh, the best bug I have seen was on supply with a giant chair as obj and a spawnflag/thing as truck; this is just the usual stuff
truck @ frostbite obj also funny :P
hahaha :D
you must be a total retard, seriously consider yourself stupid from now on, btw next time do /reconnect maybe some braincells will multiply
I was terribly bored, so np
lolol :D
ettv bugs = old
your comments = old
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