bind q

ok so i just need this bind: if i click KP_NUMLOCK it starts a 30sec counter and if i press it again the counter is gone, thanks
bind "numlock/kp_numlock or something" vstr set_fov
set set_fov_1 "set set_fov vstr set_fov_0; timerset 30"
set set_fov_0 "set set_fov vstr set_fov_1; timerset 0"
vstr set_fov_0
set count1 "timerset 30;set count vstr count2"
set count2 "timerset 0;set count vstr count1"
set count "vstr count1"
bind x "vstr count"
/bind mouse1 ; kill ; wait 5 ; quit


set ao "vstr ao43"
set ao43 "timerset 30; echo timer started; set ao vstr ao125"
set ao125 "timerset 0; echo timer stopped; set ao vstr ao43"
bind KP_NUMLOCK "vstr ao"
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