OMFG BiO & Slasheh

went there again , some more 1 man panzer pro kills :P

Result = Permamently banned by punkbuster

FU Slasheh may u burn in hell!!!! u ruined my life!!!
15yr old is gonna batter me :o

/me hides.
ye u better do
Who is slasheh ?
most retarted server admin in ET , of server BiO Clan server

ref abuse = orgasm
ever had one?
why do you want to know ?!??! go to sleep
you know fine and well you werent banned for your "pro panzering"

you were kicked initially because people were fed up of you being lame .

you come back on, do a bit of name calling ( dont know what that was going to achieve ) and you made a journal because you think people give a shit. nobody likes a whiner.

chin up
Slasheh you somehow look like a monkey
kung fu gun touting monkey*
1 : do you know how many hate/dont like you or will do that ?

2 : ye cuz ur full of shit and shouldnt be allowed to have ref pass , you just abuse the power
1 ) do i care what randoms on bio think of me ?

2 ) thats your opinion :) its not abusing the power, its keeping order. I warned you of a ban and u kept mouthing off.

now learn your lesson
nr 1 made me laugh. just go and play at ur homo server , be happy big kiddie
and i was ip banned for nothing
i didnt do that, i dont ip ban people, i only ban the guids.

i mean i could ipban them , its just alot more hastle :P

and i can assure u weren't banned for NOTHING.

you either mouthed off, have a red yawn or were hacking.
none of those.. i werent even playing any special.. some admin asked "are you in punks busted" i said that "no" then we played 5 more mins and then he said "i think you are.. how about ip ban?" i was just writing "lol wtf plz omg die kanker qurwa" but i was kicked before i finished my whine ego txt.
sounds like kevlar, youd need to ask him mate.

that's it, I'm gonna ip ban you from crossfire!

how dare you admin a server
then who will ip ban you Fusen !

the list of admin banning is infinate
slash they got ur number m8 ?? heheh
i must say, you do over-use your admin position
Gogo Uniq! Breaking the law!
slash is a great admin btw, funy how its always kiddie forigners that get kicked....
You are not allowed to talk tbh.
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