ins @ cdc3

He played much better on lan than online!

Discuss Netherlands ins's performance @ CDC3.
who's ins :o
better than jaN :<
I think Decem was the big pwnererer :)
thought he wasnt there?
feeeeeeeeeeeeel the sarcasm
what was his excuse btw?
Don't know. But it must have been something really important for he seemed to be so horny about going to CDC when I was discussing it with him few months ago.
he should drive with someone else to enschede.. but the driver,dont remember his name, said that his sister had an accident at vacation and so finally he stayed at home because of her.. so he couldnt pick ins up to enschede.. and now everyone says this would be just an excuse or smth
ins always was as clean as vanquish, lawl
didn't he play some earlier LAN already? no?
he mixed up cdc and private lan with vanq
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