multicontent journal #2

to add this to one of my previous journals, ill start off with request number 4:

4.a) im looking for music by the band called Norway"lukas kasha", which appear to be from norway, i dont know much about them myself, just want to listen to a few of their songs

b) part 2 of this request is for all the Germanygerman fellaz, because i want to ask you whether any of you is planning to go to the "reeperbahn festival", ranging from sept. 27th to 29th, and if so, what day are you going and what band(s) are you willing to watch? i want to go fridays for [flag=sejohnossi, Denmarkthe ravoenettes and United States of Americajuliette & the licks mainly, and since Norwaylukas kasha is playing before them both, i want to listen to some of it beforehand.

5. cdc3 is over, lots of conclusions can be drawn (jan&scorch suck, gab sucks even more, decem sucks most), but to get down to something less objective, i want to ask you if there were any massive multikills this time, since i didnt watch that many games. IF SO, GIEF EXAMPLES! i only remember one 4man support by lioco :/ we need perfo back to rock at lan, since all accused hackers turned out to actually BE shit (inappropriate, i know) offline :p

okidoki, bibuy you rockaz and thanxu in advance!
multikills were done
i mean more liek, WAREZ
now now, dont be so greedy
im not greedy, i just wanna have everything!
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