Online: 490

zOMFG almost 500!!!111
n1 activity of ppl today
ET iz NOT dead imo
random pic:
image: watch2
476 imo
N1ckV Checking out g1Ntje 9m 47s

must having a wank :S
Yeah now that's the attitude!

Random pic:
image: insp_captkirk
ok now i just logged in to inform you that im also checking xfire without beeing logged in
yeah all online because of et
ET is dead, crossfire just isnt.
what does that mean?
No fucking idea tbh :P
Something like 'whiner' 'trashtalker' etc.
i didnt get 6o6 this afternoon in irc...
Crossfire isnt ET
QuoteA Gaming Community
those numbers are fake...
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