Crysis demo month later

Yapz, the game you've all been waiting for (well, at least the demo of it), Crysis, will be released a month later. This in order to be able to make the deadline of the full game. It was planned for 25 september, but will now be released at 16 october. To soften the pain caused by this tragic delay they will add the sandbox editor with the demo though, so YAY to that :D

ps. Unbanned AGAIN, YAY!

image: 1175761928_1_3
i dont like to say it, but i will this time:

I know it's old, wanted to post it yesterday already, but yeh, WAS BANNED FFS!
Hier... een euro
Well, you could have been playing the beta but whatever
beta was for ppl with a key for it only, + it had way too much bugs errors and debug code in it, what made it lag...
I know it's old, wanted to post it yesterday already, but yeh, WAS BANNED FFS!
olol i dont noticed that the journal is form youZz ^^ so i never would write such a comment... :)
Bedankt voor de info. :)
U hebt gezocht op muz:

RESULTAAT (maximaal 20 woorden)
1 muziek!
I hope my PC will support this game :)
It will, even though you have a low budget gfx card, but it will support it, and you could even play it on medium if i'm correct :)
Yeah but I'm planning on upgrading my PC --> Sli with good vid cards.
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