War Rock

Anybody tried or play/ed this free game? Cant try this game because iam at work :) !

- http://www.warrock.net/

- Random demo http://video.google.de/videoplay?docid=-8535858723410182274&q=war+rock&total=6293&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=2

yes im bored and my english suxx!
worst crap i ve ever played...
uninstalled it after 1 hour
/signed because

-no aim
-no movement
-only 13 years old kids
-more cheaters then in et and cs together
-and many more......
:( , beta or full? [Ger] werde wohl nie eine Alternative zu et,quake finden mit änlichen Aim und Movement ^^ .
[ger] egal was du zockst glaub ist mittlerweile full aber trotzdem shitty und scheiße wie sau man laggt mit ner 16000 leitung und du kannst kaum ein server joinen ohne nen cheater zu finden[/ger]
there wont be any compareable to et or quake...
yeah et and quake > all
what do you want with et:qw it#s just shitty
Tried it, played it for a bit, got bored, deleted it :)
It's a typical free game, shitty.
played this game and its kinda fun 2 play like 1 day in the week but if you spec someone ingame it looks like they are using aimbots :D
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