ET:QW future...

> SO....Will there be close-combat maps ?
> Will vehicles be nerfed ?
> Will Crossfire cover this game ?
> Where are the women ?
QW future : dies in 2 months of age ..
woman are at the mc donalds!
QW Future: Not many from W:ET go over to it but it gathers its own player and fanbase.

seems that you now all the et players very well
Considering about 50% of the current competitive ET community (Crossfire included) think it's absolute bullcrap, I think I'm going down the right track.
it might be crap
still people will switch cause it's the future.
just look at the ec signups...made my day :XD
I think a lot of people will wait until RTCW2 comes out.
which wont come
It will, it'll just take a while.
1. Yes
2. Limited not nerved
3. It already does
4. censored
you can make a hide function for the last one
There are 4 maps with more than 50% close combat and 2 maps with 50% close combat and top clans/lagues have agreed on a 6 map mappool + restrictions on spam/heavy spamboxes

so YES! :)
Wait and see :)

EDIT: or not saying that nothing done now is final or should be, but its a good start and the process is healthy for the comp side of the game
True and no one will force people from doing otherwise, but the maps is quite easily choosed tbh (when you have played them all, big diffrence between playable and not suited in etqw) and I feel confident that the choises made by the most active clans quickly will represent the rest of the community. And as more active clans start playing, new voices will get the possibility to say what they think - the idea is to have a panel of all current top clans+admins etc to avoid splits in the community.

And I think its way better to start with a healthy frameworks that work out, rather than some random rules some random league admins without experience make up and that diffre through all leagues -that will make players go away and the game will be shown from a not soo good perspective in clan matches. (as in the demo with huge map valley:()

Again not saying that any thing done now should be final or that only 6-7 clans+league admins should make universal rules in the long run, but In the start I think its healthy.
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