TeamFortress 2 (ger)
25 Sep 2007, 10:10
Anyone played TF2 so far ? I still can remember back in 1997 (when i was 16... damn i am old :I ) or something, doing Team Fortress LANs with BNC-network with alot of RL friends. HeavyWeaponsGuy,Soldier etc... damn that was a nice time :D
I guess it could become "the CTF-Game" ... cause in UT,Quake etc CTF was always there, but has never been played very much. But TeamFortress has always been designed as a CTF-Game, so it could be something else than the random TDM games. It's also nice with the classes etc (like ET somehow).
I also like the comic style tbh. But i haven't played it yet, only checked some screens etc.
nur für dich uli :*
Which game is just like ET:QW but has worse graphics?
No bunny, no conc, respawn time... basically everything that made tf fun.
CS = ein HLmod wenn schon...
Und TF1 war auch ein "HLmod" wenn man so will... noch bevor es CS gab...
und noch viel wichtiger, kommst du übernächstes weekend zur enlarged ? :D