moviemaking help

Right I've got a demo which is 9.81mb (I was just looking round the 10,000kb mark and stopped whilst I was recording) and I was to make into a avi (or any video format). I recorded the demo and then played it back and ran a trial version of fraps to see what it would be like. Thirty seconds worth of audio/video came back at a whopping 651mb in fraps. I encoded(?) it with virtual dub and managed to make it 47mb.

The problem is, that the finished video(s) will most likely be uploaded to either geemag (90mb/no time limit it seems) or youtube (10min/100mb limit - free account). So obviously if I use the fraps/encode method I'm only going to get like a minutes worth of video.

I'm not sure how much 9.81mb is worth in minutes/seconds but even if I was limited by the youtube 10mins that would be fine. Is there a way to get the demo into some type of video and keep to the low space requirements without it looking like a pile of crap. Yes I've literally got no clue about movie making so any advise is welcome. (Would be nice if the quality was nicer than this :{)
check the tutorials.
hi evan :)
why fraps?
It was the quickest way to get a end product, plus I'm also testing my upload etc ;)

I started watching the demo and did cl_avidemo 25 but beyond that I've got no clue and since it takes quite a lot of time and I don't know if the end product will be any smaller than what fraps/encode can do so I stopped.
Uploading a video of your riflehax you had?
Don't make me laugh.
Yes that's me.
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