back from cdc3 =P


I just came back @ home after already 1 day of annoying college ;D Was a really fuckin enjoyable weekend with all mates that i already know @ inet but not in real life.
The guyz with who i spent most of the time : d&b Netherlands Maverick , Netherlands Heineken, Germany duKe, Germany ScatmaN and Slovenia carniee were fuckin great .. maverick always drunk;D , duke woke up with fuckin big eye and he couldnt even open it ;D , scatman was always going sleep so early :< , Heineken always with a bottle of Henineken beer in the hand ;D ...
How the fuck could i forget to Denmark Arachon after 2 beers XDD j/k... hes rly friendly and fuckin freak asking "Can i has a light?" :DDD , and Netherlands Ronner with his condom -> , United Kingdom Baggiez fucking freak, but hes not able to drive a bike lold' ;DD <3 , Finland decem who was also stoned the whole days ;D United Kingdom Herbal he won the wasted award @ cdc3 but he rly deserved it ;DD he was drink and smoking weed every single hour ;D
And there were other guyz who slept with us in a cabin GMPO Germany zerender had rly nice weed which we smoked later, Turkey fireball and Germany humM3l were fuckin freaks ;D <3

At WZZRD center I also met Belgium dAv1d, Anonymous Atarax, Finland Matias from tlr,.. they were rly talkative and nice to me i was also training my Italian language with Italy XyloS ;P tbh i rly improved it ;D
I have also spoked to <[o]> guyz : Belgium kevin, Switzerland dabster, [fag=ch] reaver Switzerland rapt6rr.. was nice to meet guyz with who i played in dfiance ;P
Also Kraturen's guyz Netherlands azzor, Netherlands bull, Netherlands tekoa, Netherlands milk ], Switzerland gifty were rly friendly ..i knew them already before and i was playing with them too but not in real life ;P was rly exited

The last night was fuckin annoyed for me ;( i had to go sleep earlier bcoz of our big trip to home (1130km) i went to bed already @ 9 o'clock and couldnt drink with Austria xet and Austria sick who are fucnik nice austrians rly cool guyz <3

edit: Anonymous Wesbo hes fuckin nice guy ;D (egoquiter) and fuckoff i forgot to Netherlands PLU172 ;DDD new edition like he sayd PLU173 poker pwnzor XD

Sozz to the guyz with who i spoked but i didn't mention u here :/ rly too many new faces ;D
Anyway i am really glad that i met all of u.. fucking enjoyed this weekend full of weed and dutch beer ;D Hope that we will see again @ cdc4 ;P <3 u all

cheers, immoo!
nice austrian flags
Atrax is turkish.
nice stoori! made me cry
you have a small heart isnt ?
Nice read.
pic or it never happen!

\o/** immooooo !
wb immo
at least u had fun :>
i ll own u at crossfire-kickerliga btw x)
could be :-
u 159 ; me 159 mhahaha <3<3<3 xD
supernice guy!
nice engrish sk1llz
n1ce fuckup on sunday evening!
i heard carniee was snooring?
lies, all lies, there was this small period when I wasnt stoned! hmm.. cant remember when was it but im sure there was a moment when I wasnt stoned ;(

was nice meeting you aswell, I personally had very great time at cdc3.

ps. carniee doesnt know how to smoke a joint. I was like "ffs, dont waste it all" when he was trying to smoke it like cigarettes.
;DDD carniee is low
ahahahah ;DDD
screw you, after 9 beers and a whole malibu i think u would be the same ;D
tough guy stoned and drunk!!! So you survived?
still alive it seems!
Quote[fag=ch] reaver
[fag=ch] reaver

i agree, he's a fag
ronner was je een beetje zat?
Everyone of them are freaks?
edit: Anonymous Wesbo hes fuckin nice guy ;D (egoquiter)

:D good you editted because I was feeling sorry for myself. Was fun meeting you tho you're a fag for not going out with us on saturday :(!
man we had like 40 beers more @ cabins ;DD
:D Dude I got 200 euro of overload in my pocket! Np for me :P
u didnt say that fuckin twat ;D
:DDD you're just a bastard ;< CDC4 we'll go out together ok? =D
yeah i hope u will have 400 € from ovr x'DDDD j/k ;P
wb! Who the fuck were you mate? didn't see you there! :<
u couldnt meet me ;D u were almost dead by humM3l's vodka :DDD
hehe, unexpected. me and acid already drank like 8 beers before me lio and acid joined the table with humm3L etc. There was a 3/4 vodka cola on the table, humm3L said if you are a belgian, you drink this, and you will get 5 euros. so I did it (advundum, nP @ me). And after that glass, I don't remember anything anymore.. :D
he was an ugly slovenian guy, nothing special.. just kidding. :)
dobrodosel nazaj! upam da ste uzivali.. in ja, carniee je se vedno najvecji luzer kar jih poznam. :DDD
lol havent seen u :( 2bad
n1 hating me
of fuckoff mate ;D i spoked oly once with u anyway was nice to meet u <3
hehe we were the last with carniee and unblind on sunday morning who went to sleep, or not ;D
ehehe i went sleep @ 7.40 XD
nice forgetting me, I was the one who went to sleep when carniee already passed out. 8am.
hehe sorry ;p
thx for teh smoke.
wb immoo! I'm glad you made it home! (considering your "WTF!!" driving skills :P)
why the hell :D ?!
driver from hell is what you are :P you take corners too tight mate!
oh u were maybe wearing still that condom on your had.. thats why u saw so weird :D
are you so late because of the GuNnEr?
<3 immoo :p
hey!! didnt mention u :( ...shoutout to raf <3
just found your journal, must've missed it the last days :(
was nice to meet you too :O)
hehe ;) same here :P
yeh idd ;DDD
can i has one aswell? :o
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