CDC & University

Have to keep this short because the car engine is running to leave.

Had a really nice time at CDC, was a shame that a few people who I knew from CPC1 couldn't attend but there was enough cool people to more than make up for this =D

I am heading to university now so I won't have internet for over a week =(

Might write some more when I have the time but for now it was nice meeting you guys and playing so, take care.

gl @University :>
cu ya soon supernice guy :P <3
gl @ uni :) have fun & study hard! 8))
later bagz
hf @ uni

PS your living in evington right? Find Kingston Rd which is right next to yours, and you wil find where I used to live!
gl m8 see you later in week!
was nice to meet u :D gl @ uni! :D
GL BaggieZ & GG'S

take care Alan
hf @ uni :]
gl faggieZ :D nice meeting you!
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