a late I am home journal

Here's my I-am-home-from-CDC3 -journal for everyone who cares!
A bit humM3lish but will do.


I jumped to train 1h after school and drove to Finland Tampere. There I got picked up by some masculine mans, Finland tazOR, Finland Roskis and Finland Kupari. We went to tazOR's home and Finland ensam joined us (he's tazOR's neighbour). We spent the night at the very same dark rooms where Finland KRP was born years earlier, spooky. I also met ensam's little sister<3 but she didn't say hi to me :(


Fucking early in the morning tazOR's mom took me and Roskis to Tampere airport. There me & Roskis met Finland Matias and Finland decem and waited for the flight liek 2h. The flight took another 2h and we were in the warmth of Germany Bremen. Somehow we lost decem at the airport so me, Roskis and Matias took a cab to downtown and ate a little and drank some beers. After a couple of hours Netherlands spho came to pick us up, decem nearly missed us because we didn't have his phone number and he had got stuck somewhere becouse his tram had hit some guy and all the germans were liek "omgogmfm sgomgo" orsmth. We managed to get decem with us after all and spho drove us to his place in Netherlands Oldenzaal. There we drank some beers, took showers and were ready for a bartrip (except Matias, he wanted to stay at spho's place and play 3on3's, what a fucking nerd). In the bar we played some biljard and drank beer. Soon decem ordered some vodka, passoa and orange juice stuff and I decided to take the same. After one glass I felt like "yea omfg more of this", after the second glass I puked to the toilet and soon we were ready to go.


At the morning I had the hangover of my life, dunno rly why cuz I think I didn't even drink so much. After we were as ready as we could in our more or less weak conditions spho drove us to Netherlands Enschede. There we were hanging around, I got lost from the others and walked like 5km looking for food that I didn't find, just to realize that I could buy food from cinestar when I came back. Then I don't remember so well but I think we were drinking some beer and smirnoff ice's and after that we left to the club Lunatic around 00:00. There were at least: me, Roskis, decem, Netherlands Wesbo, Netherlands Kitty, Netherlands spho, Netherlands modus, Netherlands sHaKy-, Netherlands ZaK- and Netherlands LavOd. At the Lunatic I didn't feel rly much like partying becouse I was still not feeling so good after the last night and I left at 02:30 orsmth together with Netherlands LavOd and Netherlands modus. Before that we saw Wesbo drinking 3 beers in 1 minute (and after that puking to his own & Kitty's hands and jeans and after that drinking 3 more beers - all in another minute). At the cabins we met the rest of Finland iHero.LAN team: Finland MTM, Finland Bounce and Finland Capu. Soon we went to sleep (or trying to, sleeping in our cabin was rly hard every night thnx to lovely Netherlands HardGaming boys, Netherlands Efax, Netherlands sHaKy- and Netherlands ZaK-.


We had to wake up fucking early because we were supposed to have the first match of the whole tournament, vs Europe n1ce.it. However, our match got delayed like 5 hours because Roskis & decem broke 3 PC's before the first match. I used the extra time to prepare for war with beer and smirnoff ice. We tried to make some tacs on warmup but I think no-one remembered anything. Decem had to play with some shitty laptop that he could do nothing with because his PC couldn't be fixed orsmth and we also had some problems with comms & microphones. We lost to n1ce but were confident before the match vs. Netherlands OVERLOAd. Decem had to play with the shitty laptop still so it was 5on6 again. I was a bit frustrated because of that and the comms problems and I was drinking more so it wasn't my best game ever. I had stats like 1/15 orsmth but we were close with the objectives and with decem playing on a PC we could have maybe even won. We lost again but the game vs. Europe TLR was still to come. In that war I was already quite drunk but if I remember the right I got some nice 3man sniper kill. We got raped and after that we continued drinking and we propably were in spho's & modus' hotel with LavOd, Kitty, Wesbo, Roskis, decem and some randoms.


We had the last group game vs. Europe d&b. They had also last all the former matches so it was a match that's winner would go to loser bracket and play some games and the loser would drop out so we were a bit more trying now, decem got also play his 1st match on a PC so we were quite confident. Somehow we managed to fuck things up and lost the war even though I was owning like hell (it was my lanproof war - too bad there wasn't an ETTV :( ). So we dropped out from the tournament and I started drinking. At the night I was pretty drunk and I remember that we planned to go to Lunatic again. But after Wesbo, Kitty, Germany duKe and some random (prolly Europe xRio) had gone with the 1st taxi, my so called taxim8s made a nice fuckup. Bounce and Capu just disappeared somewhere and so did Europe Nellie too. Decem wanted to go to cabins and I went with him cuz I didn't want to go with a taxi alone. There we were drunk and I don't remember what we were doing.


We packed our stuff at the morning and watched the finals and after that we were just hanging around with the whole Finland iHero.LAN, Finland Squall, Finland Xpaz, Finland Jauhis, Finland Gaso, Finland Jackeri, Finland Matias and Netherlands spho. Sometime at the afternoon (I dunno rly when) we left with spho's car to Bremen. We were idling at the centrum and went to some local kebab place. Our bookin was supposed to start at ~04:00 and we had somewhat 5hours to that but luckily decem had special contacts to Germany cutty and we could go to his place. At cuttys place me, cutty, decem, Roskis and Matias were watching soft porn and giga.de, refreshing crossfire and sleeping. Decem also shitted like 10 times, obviously becouse of the kebab.


I woke up in sitting position on cuttys sofa at 03:45 orsmth when our taxi arrived. Gaso had also appeared to cuttys place and he came with us. At the airport it was another 2h of waiting and we were fucking tired. Me, Gaso and Roskis had some breakfast while Matias and decem were sleeping. At the security check some cop whined me about the headphones in my hand luggage. He told me to follow him to some little room and I had some horror pics in my mind about the big german cop sticking his hand to my arse. Luckily I just had to show him everything I got in my backpack and then he just said that I can go. Not much to tell about the flight to Finland, I was sleeping but at the Finland Tampere airport some cops' drug dog was very interested in decem's bag and the polices stopped him. We waited while the cops investigated his bag but they didn't find anything so decem was a free man again. Gaso and Matias left to Finland Helsinki by Gaso's car and me, Roskis and decem headed to the train station. However we had some extra time so Roskis went to some kebab place and I went to McDonald's with decem. After eating Roskis stayed to wait his train to Finland Kuopio and me & decem jumped to a train to Finland Seinäjoki. From there I continued to Finland Laihia by train and decem took a bus to Finland Jurva. I was at home something about 14:30 and I've been too lazy to write this before.

It was a tough but yet very enjoyable trip and I am looking forward to CDC4, cu there.

Shoutout to the whole Finland iHero.LAN and everyone else I was hanging around with but especially:

Finland Roskis
Finland decem
Finland Matias
Finland Gaso
Netherlands spho
Netherlands Wesbo
Netherlands Kitty
Netherlands LavOd
Germany cutty


nice nice :D
Quotein our more or less Germany weak conditions spho drove

Quote some cops' drug dog was very interested in decem's bag

haha lolled :D
my sister was asking for you the day after you were here :(
Ensam on homo
East west home best:D
that shoutout part sounds like asslickin'
kiva oli lukee !
nice read, except for the random typos like "gaso and matias went to helsinki but gaso's car and us went to tampere" etc.

I'll try to finish my story soon aswell!
fixed the worst typos but it's still a bit humM3lish
noni ei ihan paska reissu sit =)
I didn't watch soft porn, you undersexed finns wanted me to put it on :P

Germany cutty's place - A Finnish Community
true and true :D
thanks again for your hospitality and hopefully your WC still works
wheres my name on the last list :(
:D was fun meeting you!
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