Trickjumping Rampage

Okay so today I was trickjumping a bit. And someone voted the map Quakejumps, or something... (In W:ET) And you have to have com_hunkmegs 128 to run it good... I have that and yet I keep getting the error that says something about not being able to "allocatemegs" It pretty much sucks, and dissallows me from entering the server. Even though I have com_hunkmegs on 192 and also tried 128.
Oh well... That was today's fun on ET... If someone happens to know the awnser to solving this, be welcome :)

Also, spam.
noob map, can do it inverted/sideways
6 players in snorfiets retards... Going good uh!
man i would pay 20$ to see you hanging dead on a tree
play original maps imo
callvote map snake3
online only
would be enough tbh
loekino is cool online only but @ school , i will beat him up np4me.rl
Okay, so nobody knows crap on fixing that. You're all dumb shits.
just fuck that map!
/map supply --> go find ur own jumps !

np btw.
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