math sucks

we have this one shit at school in math, the question or thing is: "show that there exist a number x > 3 so that ln(x) < x ^ 0.1"

easy bash
had that ln-shit 1,5 years ago...
its not really easy to solve believe me
dunno about that particular problem, but we had ln(x)-stuff 1-2 years ago.
what's that o_O
sure theres a better way, but why not just try some values of X?
u ahve to show not to find a x
Can't you show that by giving an example?
thats the point i solved this already for shitty try it yourself
yea the rule, "SKIP or QUESS" :D
nop to find the number is not to show its a difference
surely showing is proving that a number like that fits that equation exists? if so whats wrong with a trial and error method.
if u think ur way is right how do u wanna find this number?
again, its jst a suggestion, but the way i would do it is: try with x = 3, and see if ln(3) > 3 ^0.1, if not try 5, if not try 10, etc,etc. if you show all that, youve shown that theres a number, greater then 3, that fits the equation ln(x) > x ^0.1
its not a mathematical way just to guess, u have to show that this number exist not to find this
Well, the way I'm taught, thats perfectly fine, and i know some of my exams occasionally ask you to prove something, and there is no, or few other ways of proving it apart from trial and error (at least with the knowledge taught by the syllabus!)
yes uhave to prove here not to guess, for ur way ur teacher would give u 0 points :p
"Well, the way I'm taught, thats perfectly fine"

I'm guessing you didnt read much of what i said, such as that above bit, or the bit saying that some of my exams force you to use that method, also giving trial and error tables.

however, gl with the problem, maybe things are taught differently where you are.
just try another more difficult and interesting way which was thought here if u of course want
dont worry, im not denying theres better, more mathematically correct ways of doing it, completly agree with you there. but im not clever enough for that, and its a simple problem, so why not give a simple answer! :p
ok, the answer is not simple, to prove it u have to define a function and show which properties it have and then u will see that this number should exist
Iteration? Ever heard of numerics? You can't solve every equation the way you were taught in school. E.g. curve fitting or the root of a nonlinear equation.
omg please, u dont have to solve it u have to prove
ps: yes i know whats numeric
you were the one making a general statement:
"its not a mathematical way just to guess"
that's what you wrote and it is obviously wrong (an iteration starts with a good guess). i merely pointed that out.
in numeric in the iteration u guess the first number as solution, but this is not correct or not exactly, after u do an iteration which was proven and is right, and: if u use an iteration its the way to find the solution but NOT TO PROVE something.
And like i sad already here, find me not just a number but the whole real Intervall. Dont think u wanna test every real number for this, but u should with this "guess" methodic

i dont really wanna talk about this anymore, coz some guys cant see the difference between guess and prove
seems like you didn't comprehend what i wrote.

"some guys cant see the difference between guess and prove"
and some guys can't see the difference between show and prove, as seen below.
but yes, nvm.
OMG in mathematic is "show" and "prove" the same, if u dont know that
i just think to show this is easier as to find this number
and yes how do u wanna find this number?
math sux donkey ballz
buy a calculator that can draw graphics...
been to long that i've had that ln, log stuff...can't hell ya :(
ofc it is, but that was the only thing i could come up that could find a solution...
maybe try a "scheme" ( babelfished it the dutch word "stelsel" ) , should work
ln = limieten? ofwa :s
neeje :P

ln(x) is de natuurlijke logaritme, hetzelfde als elog(x)

in de natuur komt er een bepaald getal ( ik gok 1.61 en nog iets ) veel voor waardoor ze er ne speciale logaritme voor hebben gemaakt namelijk die ln :P
I have the same subject at the moment and I don't understand a shit about it...
welcome to the club m8
what u do is to find this not to show that this number exist
are you sure you dont have one these > < wrong sided?
im prettys ure
ln(x) = x^(1/10) solve this u will get interception of functions and from there u will find the number which is really big(huge is bigger than 3)

ps :this will be edited since i am still working on it and i am not sure of what i have just said
and how do u wanna show this interception? coz u have to show this!
i will not show i will try to solve it analytically but i am missing knowledge on "inverse operation of radicalization"

"inverse operation of radicalization"--> dunno if its this what i want to say in english
dont know if its called Nullpoint in english, but there is a problem to find this Nullpoint in ur defined function directly
no its not right what u say ask u teacher,
to show something always means not to guess and not to use numbers as solution u should do it a way without taking this number which exist;
just try it another way without taking and guessing this number
change windowsettings and scale settings so u can see very high value's but i'm trying to get it on another way...just thinking what way :P pff, it's been so long :( fucking vectors are messing with my mind :<
Show = Prove. That means ur way is wrong
just go this way:
ok, the answer is not simple, to prove it u have to define a function and show which properties it have and then u will see that this number should exist
nobody sad there is only one this point, u should prove that this point exist
the answer is 3 < x < 3.0597267blabla

and i could have solved this last year, but i cba to go true my books and notes of last year just to find this answer for some question on crossfire :P
(ask ur teacher)
afaik thats far from being jackass, its not learning if you just quess some fucking numbers, i think you are really bad teacher if you teach your students that way, the mathematical way to solve it is the only right way imo
we dont have teachers we have professors and they teach us this way :p
sure there is...
for example in the point x=3.04 is ln(x)=1.11185blabla and 3.04^0.1=1.11760blabla
Im doing my first year at highschool so pls, im not even supposed to know this yet or solve it, i just gave my opinnion, if you really teach students like "just quess a number and see if its right"-style is WRONG IMO

edit: my teacher would give 0/6 from this task if i did it your way and would put questionmark on the your so called "solution"
ur way is not correct thats all
u will get 0 point for ur calculator or fucking graphshit way solution
and u dont fucking need this number like i sad before u just have to prove that there is an intervall (not a fucking number AT NOW) where this works what u have to PROVE
i don't know why there wouldn't be an x smaller then 3.blabla and 3?

but nvm, ur a teacher so i'll guess ur right
we dont have teachers, we have professors,
dont try to find a number, try to find an intervall, show me that this works for a very big Intervall, how do u wanna show this? to test all real numbers for which u will need more as ur whole life? try another way. (dont task only a point, task an intervall like i sad)
hahaa lold :D
didn't notice my typo :XD
I see your point but imo its nicer to solve it that way, because even 10 year old kid can solve it your way by just "guessing"
i've never seen a thing like that u study on mars maybe? :D gl man
wanna see med-high skill maths?
show me i'm a low- only :( I stopped match with integral :(
lol which kind of shool do u do? O.o
university :p
oh i'm only at 5th year of secondary :( u pwned me
lol u shouldnt have seen that i guess u will lose ur interest to maths :D
what are u studying?
he is next einstein, np4him
nono im not
no no, thats loku :D
hahhahaha even monkey is smarter than him, ROFL
try to solve it my way, thats all, just try it, i wanna somebody does it too :)
and what u sad, u shouldnt say that, u should see from beginning that if there exist this point, there can exist more as only one point and from beginning change my way, and yes im interesting whole time, how the fuck can u find this only number without calculator and guessing, i really guess :)
why dont u just show this my way? is that difficult for u?
your way is too pro for any human brain
hope flying DJ will solve it
why the fuck u write the whole hour so many topics and even didnt try to prove it? this was the point at the beginning i think
no im styding maths
the point was not to solve but to prove!!!
ITS A BIG DIFFERENCE!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 points for u
ask ur teacher what does it mean to prove something

bb im off
just passing by to support dj
go uli!
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