Coding a login

Hi there,

I have a problem, I want to code this login screen, but keep the graphics as they are, would any1 happen to know how to do that, and if yes, could you please help me?

image: needhelpnj6

Thanks in advance :>
*remember password
kk ill use bruteforcer now thx4site!
just read some tutorials about tables and div's
yea I did but I can't keep the graphics as they are when I do that, it'll generate a white box for me with only a few editable options (Which don't include transparent textbox)
I had same problem when I tried to make loginbox. Just try to do something simple first like I did
Hmm, thx, but I really need these graphics, as we will be selling this template ^^

thanks anyway
So wait, you're selling templates but you dont have a fucks clue about how html/css works, mate! i'd want to buy from you!
pfffff, we're making templates and sell that, but now I'm trying to code one, and if I succeed, we'll sell that for extra money...
and that is how the webz get fucked up
nah, trust me, I'll get it checked by the pro's ;)
btw, we're not just average template designers, we actually know what we're designing, unlike 90% of the other retard cunt template builders out there. The only problem is, we can't find a coder (or at least, we just started out so we dno where to get him/her), so now I'm trying to be a coder. If the code I write doesn't work out, like for example the page is way too slow, we'll just pay a coder to do the job. I'll get this code controlled by a templatecompagny btw, so it'll be np 4 me.

We only deliver quality :>
oh so you are the pro template designers. Not like all the others that say they are pro?
that's correct
that's funny.
Then you havent digged in deep enough, I would check the source of pages which have the same effects and stuff.

For example has a custom entry field and a custom submit button
You could use LogonStudio.
read 'til you bleed and you will figure out on your own :)

Though I dont see the problem. :)
good to see ur unbanned :D
html nubs galore !:P
something like this (if in css):

make the whole image (or at least the part with the textboxes) the background, place the textboxes with margin or padding, and, in your .css file, the style for the input form : background-color: #thecodeofthatgreycolor;
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