Sennheisers in Portugal


My little trip to Portugal is coming to an end and Im looking forward to bringing something back. Where can I find some Sennheiser HD201 or 202-s in the Nazare area? Would be nice if they cost less than €28.

Btw, local fish tastes good.

dunno nazare, but u should be able to get that in lisbon.
speak: lishboah
Hi silc! cant rly help u.. I live some hundred of km away :<
stfu i live like 1500 km away from that ;D
bah.. but u live in a island.... in the midle of ocean!
me > you soz.

puta de merda
rofld @ ur hardware specs :D
you have no life BUSTED!@
ask koto
about nC prices?
I have already been to Lisboa, Faro and Porto but our designated shopping trip is the day after tomorrow, in some big shopping centre I dont know. Hopefully something with a Media Markt in it...

Porto wine iz nice. Hotel internet iz also quite cheap, €1,50 for 30 mins :o Its damn cold at night, I just walked along the waterfront, brrr...
lisboa / porto is the best place to get some hardware. i live 20 km away from porto :P
enjoy the night @ porto its beautiful
I have already been to Portugal..

nice country but some areas are rare contrast with the big cities

You dont have it in Belgium,.. like that
Indeed...used car sales lots and run-down old barns besides one another. Highways and the driving culture is much better than at home (: Some ppl dont know english that good but at least they try...
Between tourist atractions and "supermercardos" the difference in prices is almost 2x :op
ehe u should visit spain :P
most ppl buy something LOCAL from the national contry, surely u can buy sennheisers online for 40% less that they sell in stores ;P

bring some sardines back in ur suitcase
or cork
or a clay chicken
or madronha
or pastel de natas
or port
or an illogical desire to do anal sex with women when they have perfectly good pussies
Come to Sintra !!!!!!!!
image: Palacio_Sintra
hmhm :>
image: sintra004
image: sintra--
its paint tbh
nazare pwnz :D but sintra > all :< hf@portugal :)
Back @ home. When we had driven ~200km to Faro, it turned out that the Faro airport doesnt work at night (our flight was supposed to leave at ~22.00) so we had a little (~300km) peek into Spain, to Sevilla, to catch our plane there, which took off at 4.00 in the morning, 4h of sleepless flight time and its good to be home :D

Btw, got HD201-s at Worten for €23 - they iz great für mp3. Mission accomplished :)
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