need a config

used to have a nice config for ~2 years, but everything got deleted because of a virus. Im not very pleased with the one i have now, and im a noob in making my own cfg's.

it should have bad graphics (crappy videocard) so i can get good fps (use to play with 76) and things like spawnscript and classelector. Most of the time im playing rifle so it would be nice if its suitable for that also.

if you have a nice config that you would like to share with me, please contact me at #crossfire

thanks -x-
it fits with all the things i mentioned above?
Parent <-- here you have a few nice cfgs
don't forget to search the cfg's you get offered for cvars like ot_logo before testing them, too many retards around ;)
urtier cfg seems to be nice , just check it out somewhere
from when you are so friendly and helpful? :O
sometimes :) i can be nice :P
I have 200fps~ with my current cfg(Updated at profile), nvidia GeForce 5300, CPU Pentium 4 3.00ghz.

there are 99 nice cfgs ;) just click at downloads ^^
alexL.cfg np
use my bloodflash cfg
used to have a nice config for ~2 years

my profile should be fine as well
Run a recovery tool or something if you really want it back
my profile :o
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