et problem :(

i just got a new labtop, with vista, and et doesnt work..i followed the tutorial on et+vista but it just freezes whenever i load with 2.6 patch...pls help, I noobie :D
aye you see me caring!

yes, else you didnt post
thanks sherlock
delete vista imho
wish i could but dont have xp cd to install it
wonder what a labtop is

afaik, laptops are portable pc's you can place on top of your lap
using this logic, a labtop would be placed on top of your laboratory, can you give me a pic of this?
Your laboratorium? He makes more fucking sense than you do.
Right click on ET.Exe and select run as administrator

and Windows XP Prof SP2 if you like

Also make sure you updated PB with pbsetup.exe and installed the services .. (unblock them in firewall)
get XP then.. vista sucks
tbh vista is improving

Alot more drivers support and hotfixes
still atm XP > vista...
Thats your opinion ...

I wasnt looking forward getting vista either , since the beta made my faster destkop pc lag and no sound

However alot is beter now and the future games will be vista only due to DX10 (i need a new laptop then xD or pull out an integrated videocard and put in a mobile video card that supports DX10 aka not gonna happen)

More security , stability , functions and the speed is also great tbh

Functionality with some programs could be beter , but you can bypass stuff
maybe it will b good in future.. but atm it sucks
download first patch 2.60 > 2.60b > ET.Exe and select run as administrator > and serverspack 2 or 3 dno
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, ...
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