Dual Core CPU Usage?

Well i m playing Oblivion atm.
my gfx settings on max, and the game is nice etc but...
my logitech g15 performance monitor shows, the cpu usage is 50% .
(2*2,0 ghz) ... but i need to use the cpu more than 60-70% coz oblivion
rly slow for me. any solution? how can i boost cpu usage without causing
hardware damage?
dual core in et runs @ 50%

et only supports one core ya jebend
Two Cores are 100% of ur CPU, so one Core is 50%

1 Process --> 1 Core Max.
Boosting your CPU usage wont get ur oblivion run faster, its Frames per second, like every PC game. Alltought theres a program you can control the CPU usage, higher/lower it, but it wont effect ur feeling.
maybe he tried to get more 'Frames per second' by boosting his CPU?
He wanted hes oblivion to use more CPU usuage, which wont give him more FPS.
oblivion will take whatever it needs from your cpu. graphics card and memory takes care of the rest.
nice question man, i had a dual core 6600 2giga ram 8800GTS 320 and i had 30fps too :(
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