New! ET:FW!

As we all know, here at crossfire we all endure continuous flame. But past week has been hectic for two clans in particular. You probably all know who I am talking about.. yes ofcourse they are from Belgium!
Especially for them (and because I'm a bit bored) I made this new game:

image: ETFW2
Ít is Enemy Territory: Flame Wars! Starring moomoofarm (well, just kiss, but since he has no own logo I put in mmf's..) and phantasmagoria!
You can play this game for free, just by logging in on crossfire and take 15 minutes to read the forum topics and journals.

Let's go back to some information about our leading characters in our multiplayer storyline.

Belgium kiss
We all know this man from hosting lots of 1day cups earlier this year and ofcourse most of the players would have come across him on the occasional prac.
But where we all know this man from is ofcourse our very own where he unleashes the flame to whoever does or doesn't deserve it. Currently playing and hotheaded defending Belgium moomoofarm.

Belgium nunca
Ah, another awesome player from belgium. This selfproclamed highskiller does his best to achieve a good position with his clan Europe Phantasmagoria. One must admit that he has dedication to his clan, for he has not been in another clan worth naming (afaik). But the admiration dies when he goes to post on crossfire.]Example 1[/url] He egoboosts himself by posting screenshot of awesome pracresults and calling the rest of the community ridiculous. The irony in this post can be unfolded by reading the replies.

Belgium Sup3r
Not much bad to say about this guy, but since he has been in the spotlight past few days, he has a main role in this new game!

It all started when moomoofarm lost from phantasmagoria in an oh so exciting prac. This probably got the blood boiling of kiss and he made some bust avi from Sup3r, a belgian player from the phan-side. Need link to forum topic
After that the ball got rolling and the bust avi's kept coming as you can see here and here. Even e-friends who played with our Belgium Sup3rhero delivered some suspicious material as can be seen here.

In a rather weak attempt of a retaliation nunca came up with a good-reasons-why-sup3r-doesn't-topic, trying to wave off the many bust attempts going before them.

Seemingly whole the crossfire community wants to see blood and a ban for our Sup3rhero, though they still have some reinforcements spawning from an unexpected corner of.... ofcourse! Belgium Belgium!
<hMg|isEN-xL> ik bedoel
<hMg|isEN-xL> clans gelijk wij
<hMg|isEN-xL> phan, hmg, overload
<hMg|isEN-xL> dat zijn decent clans
<hMg|isEN-xL> maar
<hMg|isEN-xL> mmf enzo
<hMg|isEN-xL> oeioei
<hMg|isEN-xL> -_-
<hMg|isEN-xL> die clans met known names in
<hMg|isEN-xL> die nix kunne
<hMg|isEN-xL> word ik misselijk van
<hMg|isEN-xL> ..
<hMg|isEN-xL> zon dnzl, rfiki, ziff gasten
<hMg|isEN-xL> zijn van die jongens
<hMg|isEN-xL> die het net niet gehaald hebben
<hMg|isEN-xL> en dan worden ze snel ambetant
<hMg|isEN-xL> ;p

But in the end all the retaliation topics and flame posts, mostly by nunca and sup3r, were invane. Europe phantasmagoria did not get the EC invite/quali which they desired so badly! To fuel their rage and dissappointment even more their sworn rivals Belgium moomoofarm did get a qualifier!

In the end Belgium mmf seems to have won the war by getting an EC quali. But since they are up against Europe Waffles, which consists maily of the old line up of Europe TLR, winner of CPC2 and CDC3, they most likely have 0% chance to actually get in the upcoming EuroCup. The battle may have been won, but the war is far from over!
The flame is likely to continue on until one of the two flaming parties decides to grow up and not take immature replies over the internetz too serious.

Let the flame continue in this thread plx!

to much to read sorry !
Come on, grab a chair and some popcorn!
2 long 2 read but i guess its funny :p
rofl, so fucking true.

And that team-germany didn't get a quali and then they change name to fool the admins is kinda fun. :-]
Saw it but it didn't mention anywhere that it was team-germany changing name to SUPERMEGAgaming or whatever. :-P
at least it looks like team germany!
whhahahahahahahahahhaa n1 hope :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
nice post, cant wait for season 2 to get aired!
phan = sleeperz team (zZz) = hackersteam np

that would be unexpected!
that would be me
fucking noob... super cheats not zZz.. maybe nunca dno..
waffles ain"t playing apart from that xD ur right
attention! right here!
:DDDD You got your attention :P
really good job :D n1 work
Cheaters need to get busted.[/i][/u]
"This selfproclamed highskiller" :DDDD couldnt be more tru..
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