Sockscap or Freecap...

Or any tunneling/proxy prog... I'm sat in uni bored out of my tiny mind and am in need of some gaming sustenance... Cant play ET cuz it's blocked... shamefully tried to play WoW but that too is also blocked... im pretty sure it's just the ports so i've looked for some redirectors and nothing can help me... does anyone know any way to redirect the port 3724 which is the WoW port or any program that could help me in doing so, i have this freecap thing which is just a freeware version of sockscap but no joy... maybe i'm setting it up wrong??

Anyone managed to get round this on their university wi-fi or am i fooked?

Thnx in advance...
think thats pretty hard.
u could just ask ofc though dont think you will get a positive answer.
not the anwser but someone with same prob as u :<
>D i have the same problem @ school
even if u would manage to bypass the firewall, without hacking the admin account of the net, it would get you into serious trouble i think.
you need a http tunnel + good (read: not free) proxy. Its a bitch to get it working tbh, but even p2p should work with it.

try these singleplayer games: << ufo remake using q2 engine << civ2 << needs original openTTD << q3 lvl +95 bots are nice
h20: you could do it via SSH tunnel, but that requires having a PC or server at home that would be on while you do it.

For instance you setup a PC at home with a SSH server, you connect to it from uni using the SSH port (or if thats blocked... I'm sure most unis wouldnt, you could use port 443), then connect to the SSH server forwarding port 3724 to 21 or 443 locally which is then encrypted and sent over SSH to your computer, which then communicates with the WoW server and sends the data back to you.

In principle it works, but there would be lag, way too much for normal games but an MMO might work with it... I haven't tried it so I can't say for sure

QuoteI'm off to university in October, and although I only play an hour or two a day, I love WoW as it's a nice way to escape from reality. The only problem is that my university (and many others) block the ports needed for WoW (to stop malicious attacks, etc.), but they told me I could tunnel it if I could work out how. There are obviously many other reasons you'd want to tunnel WoW, and I've searched long and hard on how to do so, but no one has worked out how to do it on OS X (or at least documented doing so). Well, ladies and gents. I have, and here's how I did it

Links: (macosx guide, so mac specific parts arent relevant, but the guide still outlines the principle, just different software for instance)

good luck, I got ssh tunneling working from school to home so I could get around the website filter, but haven't tried it for WoW so I cant really help you
thanks alot for that meez, im at home now but i'll definately give that a try 2morro
k, if you get any issues you could msn/irc me and I'll try and assist
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