Maptest Nr. 1093

Hey Azerbaijan Guys,
to cut a long story short I ll just ask for 2-4 6v6 et-teams which are willing to test a new custom map.

You ll have to get used to the map, prepare some tax, test the gameplay in some 6v6 wars and to give us feedback ;)

If your team is interest -> plz pm me here on crossfire or leave me a msg on IRC @ #ET-Cup (I ll send you the infos/downloadlinks and ips after you ve done so).

thx in advance!

( thx to Europe team-replay and Germany aGu - they have tested the map and due to their feedback the mapper have done some changes - so map is beta3 atm!).
gl SPU9
which map?
not wolken ;)

Sounds nice but i dont have team :/
"spus test" maps always sucks !
hello mister "i only play the old and overplayed maps again and again"

battery and railgun overplayed? :s plz
pff mister ich spiel nurnoch etqw :DD^^
pfui - hab uns ind er esl 3on3 ladder angemeldet ;D wenn wir da paar matches spielen haben wir die chance auf 3 monate premiumaccount o0!

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