Coffee anyone ?

image: 0,1020,982202,00

image: 0,1020,982213,00

image: 0,1020,982208,00
invite pls
ein schenkelklopfer!
war auch ein insider aus einem ventrilo gespräch.
nee, im ernst, ich hab gelol´ed. so knallhart&trocken als 1st comment...nice one^^
wobei ich die einstellung zutiefst verurteile Ò_Ó
fake imo
no fake, its in america
aber in amerika is auch eins kam letztens auch im spiegel
gotta love the pakistani serving the food
sry but old
(anyway has a new style)
i want some coffee, but not from that cafe
cool drinking coffee and talking about old times :D
nice 1
oh my god, you would go to prison for sthm like that in my country.
That's because your country doesn't respect freedom of speach and other healthy forms of expressing yourself.
Meanwhile here in Finland I can still greet my friends with Hitler salute and wear swastika-themed clothes.
Reich 'n' Roll
hohoho u guys are IT.
its forbidden to do that in austria.
we were part of Hitlers empire and do this in order to prevent the future of that.

this has nothing to do with freedom of speech.
Finland was also in alliance with Nazi-Germany and German SS-troops were basicly the only ones defending Northern Finland from Soviet invasion.
Finland would have been totally seized by Soviet Union without the help of Nazi-Germany.
Sieg heil our savior, Adolf Hitler!
hakenkreutz plz!
maybe the owner is a bit retarded ? :D
dafür gehst du in den bau, noobgrin!
heil india?
is that fo real?
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