I still think its wrong to do that!

Posted by CB: Unfortunately the Younggunz team has decided to drop from this EuroCup season, and hence will be replaced. The replacement is a team definitely worthy of a spot in a prestigious EuroCup qualifier, formed from the remnants of last season's silver medalists pro step up to the plate, making the 5th qualifier:

I didnt say shit! :S
gege clanbase
OH LOL, clanbase is so full of retarded morons, i knew it all along, fckin wankers, well tbh flame the admins that you didnt say the admins.!
lol was wrong to invite your inactive gang overall
we played summercup 07 all games and showed dedication to the cup. and then EC came and we was gonna play EC, end of story.
"we" means more than 1 player ( you are alone in gunz atm ) and you seem to have any m8 playin for your team.. even not considerin the team skill you cant reach 6 when u did the signup.. so agree with me they were wrong or suddenly your m8s joined other teams and u didnt noticed at all.. end of story!
We never expected EC. and when we was announced i did have a lineup that already existed with 1 or 2 changes... so what every team gets in new players when EC is announced.
ur more than god, u know more things than teams leader!!!1
CB sux, retarded organisation, retarded admins, retard page, die low admins get skill etc.
My point is they never talked to me about this they just replaced us with a team i suspect knows the cb admins and 1 ex gunz player in that team called rapture and he was in gunz and i suspect something dodgey goin on with contacts with the cb admins. thats all.
yup, cb sux.
pretty fucked up by the cb admins
Good teams should always get a chance to play EC. However comical way to make it happen.
says lowbird
go cry you fckin inmate
whats your prob fucko ?
mulla kaatuu aina tämä kun avasin tätä aikasemmi, jaksanu paskoi replyy ! ja en pelannu oon lame ja otin sen :))

ps get skill
todella säällittävää. anyways mun uus/vanha acos luki etten pelannu matsiakaa mutta jaksa kaikkee paskaa päivittää tähän (: vielä jotakin herra lowskillil sanottavaa? :>
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