rtcw config v2

yo need a good rtcw cfg pmme here or irc #m8d
weird movement keys ;/
weird? the usual Q/Z/D keys (dont forget azerty keyboard im usin! :p)
ooooooh ok ^^

btw, how the hell do I fix this pb lag problem in RTCW
I fixed it in ET, but in RTCW I lag every 5 seconds (ppl told me this was caused by pb)
lag by pb? :x didnt hear about such complaints at rtcw before
but I just uploaded my pb folder for someone who also had some probs, so u can just delete your pb folder and replace it by this one: http://home.scarlet.be/~bs219611/pbb.rar try it and if you still have the same prob, then I've no idea :x
:< the problem's still there, thx anyways
Personally I don't think it's caused by pb, 'coz it does the same thing in the menu already, a stutter every 3 seconds :(
thnx dude :)
thx, i was also in need of a cfg ;D
btw can you put the blood off when they shoot at you its pretty annoying
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