Replacer for Enemy Territory?
3 Oct 2007, 01:07
What will be the best replacer game for Enemy Territory in your opinion?
IMO Call of Duty 4 has a great chance, and I've heard that Team Fortress 2 is rather the same too :>
IMO Call of Duty 4 has a great chance, and I've heard that Team Fortress 2 is rather the same too :>
imo quake wars doesn't look like ET at all :O
2 much spread
2 much vehicles
2 much insta kill weapons
i did the same and didnt react liek a kid :S
But 1 time is enough, and btw dont judge the game if you never played it a few mins/hours + a clanwar. Then you see that it isnt that bad. (My Case)
i just played the demo ... tracked perfect the people and i hitted a shit ... the best thing @et is the aimsystem no/or less recoil + not a big ass spread but at etqw its just fuxed :S on the other hand the movement ppl are jumping around like wild monkeys (BF2).
and to be fucking honest thats not a good gameplay its just a vehicle based random game like all the new shooters
Fps jumo from 30 (demo) to 50-60(full, thx to ATI Hotfix)
and really i wont discuss with you as i already said TWICE.
ME LIKES IT, you dont. THAT'S OK!
vehicle ofc but since i see u dont own the retail u know shit about what u are talkin. Like 40% or 30% of the maps dont even have vehicles, and if they have one they do have huskies or icarus.
so dont talk about a game if u never played any maps except valley or sewer.
god night
and they dont know the rules (leagues) for vehicles, most of them never played et:qw in a clanwar. The Gameplay ownzZ
like no ica in base and stuff like that. or no air... but yea think u got to deal with that.
at least we got now nice maps like island and salvage <3
volcano is also nice, reminds me of et_beach :P
i like quarry also!
I really thought the same as i saw first screens, played beta and stuff. but since demo + clanwar i really like/love it.
Then go buy the client and have fun with qw or get us at least some mature and correct input. thx, you are welcome
you will always have to deal with snipers, and if i am not misstaken a sniper headshot in et is also the death for the victim.
hit detection and anti lag code is idd way nicer than the et stuff, but u got to deal with recoil and spread. So well "get aim" and have a bit more realism or stay with et where you can just push the left mouse and shot on the the enemy's shoulder and hit headshots.
Well yes, discussion about hitboxes will always be a dead end story so just try some other maps before judging a game you didnt really play. thats the whole point
ET:Prone Wars imo!
well like i said be4 i tracked them well but i cud see how the bullets hit the dust S: so wtf if i want to have realism i would join the army ...
but its ok if you like this kind of a game then hf :P and i will stick to my ET :p
Think spread was mostly invented to cover up networkcoding issues.
You could also expect a cvar to turn spread off in etace ;) - ofc, for all players on a server.
in the former case, try learning english first:
weapons are too slow
map format
no spread when you go up in the jump
so many newb things (drone, radar...)
too complicate
I think this game is good for random newbies or pubplayers but for me isn't my cup of tea ! :)
edit: And if you have an old pc with shity fps, your enemies will be unhitable.
CoD4 ,,, i dont thinko so coz the oldschool CoD player will pwn the ass of the newschool CoDler :S
TF2 dunno
RTCW2 ofc
because its not out yet, no beta, no demo, and if i am right informed, they only said that they are planning to do it, but they havent started.
And seriously you dont know if this game ever will be realeased, or when exactly.
That doesnt mean, that i dont hope it will be n1ce :D
EDIT: but i can ofc totally be wrong!
They created some great CTF maps. I guess they know what they do.
Hopefully threewave will understand RTCW multiplayer was so popular because of the objective mode and implent it as well (with stopwatch added as well of course).
I also hope they will not involve ranking and unlockables like almost every console game has nowadays..
2k5 video.
and i am not interested in any of these new hyped piece of shit console games :/
ET cant be replaced by any game. When all cheaters will play on there realskill level we never would talk about such things. Most cheaters want to be the best players in ET and saying they hate that game. Thats the reason that they cheat. But why the hell do cheaters play still ET after they got busted?
ET got the best teamplay/objmaps ever. Its for intellectuals :D If everyone would care how many cheats in ET are produced and just play on there realskill level ET would have much more players.
If u would flame in this forum i dont got a problem with it. But plz, dont flame in a war. The reason why most of the people quit ET (for reallife or couse of the fucked up community) is the whole flame in the wars/pubs. Try to be friendly and dont be like a 8 year old kiddy with an e-penis.
If everyone would be a noncheater and a nonflamer, ET will have again 20 highskilled clans and 50000 pubs and we never would talk about a replacement for this game!
Ask urself, hacker.
and btw, i never cheated, i never got busted, and i never will cheat!
we all had shitty widescreens, that sucked
says everything retard
Gold Mentioned in Worm's cheaterlist
Gold Mentioned in jetro's cheaterlist
2. i am lanproofed
3. jan and me arent busted
3.Ofcourse ur not cuz priv hax is not detectable
Unless RTCW 2 is good enough
All the Splashdamage games are for newbie and pubplayers.
Maybe RtCW2 in end 2k8 if we are lucky..
W:ET for me isn't a real wolfenstein, it's a random copy of RtCW with newb things. Other good example give for free RtCW mp and W:ET, you will see the popularity.
So yes Wolf: ET = ET: QW brother.
Because it's a pubgame ?
weapons are too slow
map format
no spread when you go up in the jump
so many newb things (drone, radar...)
game too complicate
And if you have an old pc with shity fps, your enemies will be unhitable.
I think the spread when jumping is fine.
And the other things can all be fixed by server changes / map changes
its such a unique game and doesnt deserve whats happened
tf2 sry but not my style :<
so i will stick by et until rtcw2 is released