
Just finished watching Babel. It's quite similar in vein to Crash in the way how people's life interact, and crash (the Crash movie obviously cashed in on this pun!).

I felt the Japanese 'tie' was a bit weak and out of place, but the deaf/mute daughter was quite well acted. Was quite shocked when she came back into the living room naked with the police officer :0

Honestly not sure what I thought of Brad Pitt's and Cate Blanchett's performance but the Mexican part was probably the best, particularly liked Gael García Bernal (Santigao) for some reason.

The best part of the movie has to be the music though, I've listened to the main track for so long and to finally have a good quality version of it, was worth the wait.

Probably not one for the majority, and not as accessible as Crash was. But the music and surprising mix of characters and background made it equally entertaining. Watch it, if you haven't seen it already!
Alejandro González who directed Babel is in my opinion one of the best directors. If you liked Babel you should watch 21 Grams and Amores perros which reminds a lot of Crash. So Babel, 21 Grams and Amores perros are all directed by Alejandro González and they are all written by Guillermo Arriaga. And if you ask me both are better then babel xD, so download and enjoy xDDD
I bought the dvd!!1 I'll see if I can find the dvds on play though ^^
have seen all those 3 films, liked them too
probably this regisseur or director who did those films likes this actor who was in Babel and Amores Perros
scorsese > all !
didnt really like it. after watching it felt like... its over now? no hilights in the movie, watchable but imo quite boring afterall.
To make a non boring movie you need :

Hot Babes + Fast Cars + Mr.Van Damme + Panzerfaust + Crack smooking niggas + Hip hop and Rock music. And if possible al of this at the same time......

hot babes + van damme is enough
instead of Van Damme Chuck Norris xD
Didn't like it, I need more than those interactions to find a movie interesting.
its one of my alltime favourite movies @ genre "drama"

i really love the way the stories connect and show different views of different society groups.

and idd the soundtrack is amazing!!!
love ur profile pic xd
probably i'd love yours too? :-)

but thx, its the most friendly face ever made by me :d
Im too ugly to put my pic in profile :<
i bet ur not *hug*
NetherlandsRyan Babel?
didn't like it. I was too tired when watching and didn't really concentrate on it therefore
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