wtf admins rox as usual...

cb admins sucks every season and they made alot of mistakes this season too. for example and biggest shit for me is A+R (wtf oldsch00lers high+) in the group A premier division!? At first i want to say they are medium max (owned them by a mix not once already) 2nd who from their current lineup is ex-a+r (and angeldust cuz they played udner this tag earlier) cuz i dont think they are worthy to wear this known tag so far...

comment this and write ur own opinions about other mistakes u have noticed...
to be honest there are only few teams worthy to play in a real cb premier :o( lot of medskillas there
if u consider yourself as med+ its good this way
its not a matter of being known to be accepted by a mgc
There just died a donkey in china
the world is unfair romek
Europe phantasmagoria should swap with Belgium mmf
never, phantasmagoria lowskill cheaters should get banned from CB imo
Sup3r doesnt hack, but Its kinda useless to discuss.
true, nvm
no obvious ppl in EC pls
there's a difference between obvious and banned.
thats true but i think you didnt get an EC quali because of sup3rown3r
yip exactly, and guess who made those avi's?
yes but its quite obvious nunca , you know
about the fact wether it's obvious or not you can discuss forever :)
it is like you said urself when you made a post: nunca needs new home so pls
u should have kicked sup3r and u'd have the invite instead of us:)
xDDD im with stupid!
if a cb admin putted your team not in ec because of those avi's he should be banned life time
yes, some obvious still aren't banned, that's the only difference right? :P
all clans and ppl that are 'known' to the community will always have an advantage.
yep.. in premier ? glitz in premier ? huh, made my day ftw
Skilled and Experienced Players!
nice line up :-/
its only lightning 1manarmy np4him !
every season same story..
only this time... im not attending! :P
oh noes ;)
Europephantasmagoria should swap with Belgium mmf

I never understood the whine. If people are in shit groups surely they can just win their fucking group if they are so good and get to the playoffs?
not rly, beeing top3 xycountryhere and top10 cb ladder (played to get a good reputation with offis) - played oc div 3 seasons ago with getting top 3 (behind esuba) and now playing in the same divisions with clans u dont even find as opponent in irc since they still search low+ max. Its not an achivement, no motivation and not even fun to play at a low division.
like us be sent back from 2nd League to 3rd kakaka fonny -_-
take into consideration that the average skill of ET dropped remarkably since the last pb update
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