Negative Image

No offense guys, but what twidi and chmpp will do if SOMEHOW ovs gonna win?
go back to GMPO for a little EC playing?

No offense again, but is it allowed? clanhopping EC/EC quali teams? and choose the best?
You are just talking crap.
i think u didnt get my point
I get your point, what do twidi & chmpp have to do with this ? + you are talking crap.
CB admins should do something not twidi and chmpp...
It doesnt matter if they go to GMPO, as long as GMPO didn't add more than 3guys during EC ...
If twidi & chmpp don't have anything to do with this, then why are they in your journal & why is the title "negative image"
Cant you only play for one team in OC and EC?
it seems so![sarcasm] CB rox![/sarcasm]
nice guideline :)
what has CB to do with this? I mean its up to the players in this case twidi and chmmp what they are going to do. Both of them got the knowledge about CB rules and stuff they need. So im sure they know what they are doing. And if they are not sure they can always pm a CB sup on irc.....

CB comes up when they are going to do smtg wrong.... So its no need to flame CB in this case because its the full responsibility of the players TILL NOW.
Hello yoda
if you had read the original post about qualifiers on clanbase you would have known the awnser... honestly does anyone still read?

it has nothing to do with us by the way. the rule is there to avoid people getting teams qualified and then going to play for another invited team after that.
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