sayonara * - goodbye

image: 9znhw0

well as some of you people know im soon leaving UK/ Europe for a year or more travelling, i am not due to leave for another four weeks but its getting very hectic here and ive got people irl to say good bye to (parties). So this is more than likely my last post for sometime or untill i get the time to post some pics but these will be more likely only to appear on my blog or myspace/facebook.

Countries visiting :

Japan - Thailand - Vietnam - Laos - Malaysia - Australia - New Zealand - Fiji - U.S.A - Canada + maybe Mexico

I would like to say goodbye to the following people:

Potsmoker <3 e-buddy/e-bully ill miss ya mate
Kevlar <3 e-buddy & long time clan mate
B12 <3 the midget belgian with the pet duck (busted wanking on comms)
Ste <3 My original UKEG clan leader and good mate
Frank aka bigsmoker <3 shit at et but funny as fuck
Slash <3 hope u get that pidgeon off yer pc
Golly <3 ooops missed you off :o WHINE!
Evo <3 a good mate which now has also switched to rl
Vexx <3 vanished :O
Rch <3 fellow whiney yorkshireman, you gotta whine 2x as much now to cover for me
Horr <3 Barry white

and all clan members that ive had the pleasure to play with from the clan listed

UKEG [ste, kevlar ,NUDEY, eekhorn, h3, sock, snuggs , Bluebird, BuBBu]
T.I (the indians clan)
GoonSquad (probs the biggest bunch of nutters to ever grace the ET scene and NO kids)
SenF team mustard

sorry for the people that ive missed but i cant name every twat :) as i would be here all fucking day doing this. Good luck all with your gaming and Enjoy

HERE I COME JAPAN - Roppongi here i come!!!!!!!!
all the best mate, hope you have a fantastic time
hf in japan, jealousy alert ;(
wow, nice journey :o
have a great time :=)
blog adress?
nice travelling... I wish I could do that :(
have a good trip and a great time, brz... I'll bet you'll return with 10 little half-blood brzies in your backpack... Beware of the Pot look a like shemales in Bangkok btw, I'm still in therapy for that... :p
hehehe u wanna c the size of my bag/back pack :O

image: 13567_m

but in black 140 litres :OOOOO and its almost full allready
sayanara -> sayonara

do you know any japanese ET player? :p

hf anyway
i know enough to get by + where im staying has lots of westerners (english teachers etc) so ill be fine :)

domo arigato Remind san
Wow seems like a ownage trip,even tho I dont know you,hope you will have a great time :)
gl @ travels man
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