
do you see the dancer turn clockwise or anti-clockwise. and where's the point you make your choice fixed?

for me it's clockwise since both, head and foot are turning clockwise.
is already posted now gtfo
after a while it changes direction i think

it's changing direction all the time rofl

both after focussing on the shadow
clockwise !
hey, jij hebt een topic, en er wachten al een paar mensen op het moment dat jij ze add aan de clanless mensen,

zou je alsjeblieft ons willen toevoegen?
how can someone see it turning anti-clockwise??
lol old.
Please, it's so obvious it's fake.
Stop replying to me, kid.
you're born on the same year as me,
also you should stop trying so hard and be more friendly towards people.
maybe instead of customizing your desktop 2 hours a day you should learn how to talk with people without looking like a total twat.

you can easily see both clockwise and anti-clockwise, just focus on the shadow at the bottom.
both ways
Anti-clockwise for some strange reason, but i managed to change the directions somehow
I can switch between clockwise and counterclockwise, at first it was clockwise though.
same, though switching isn't that easy (at least for me)
try to concentrate on other things, for i.e. on text, and direction may change.
bullshit, she's just changing the feet and dancing another direction, check the feet, so busted
the projections of here clockwise/anticlockwise movements fit perfectly since they are made from different angles, that's why it's filled with black.
lol, same.
both ways
clockwise, description doesnt match me tho
nice fake, look she is changing the feet every 10 sec or so, first she dances with left and then with rifgt, so she's switching between clockwise and anticlockwise, nice fake shit :)
I busted this shit! :D
no shit sherlock, just mentioning it since most people didnt get it.
Open the gif in virtual dub, you can see it's not fake, she always dances on the right leg, it's just your brain switching it due to the shadows...
Still waiting for my coffee.
i agree except for one detail:

"she always dances on the right leg"
nope, it's up to your imagination

at first it was clockwise for me (dancing on the left leg)
after focusing more on the shadow i was able to see it anti-clockwise too (now it's the right leg though)
Yes, i know. Im just saying it's not the gif that's "changing the leg"...
if you're not a complete retard you can focus so that it doesnt change directions
well, for me its anti-clockwise almost all the time, just 2-3 second clips of clockwise.
you just said its changing every 10 seconds
ye every 10 sec (or so)<--something like that :)

First time I saw it I thought she's turning clockwise. Then I switched the panel to other page, and then back and this time she was going counterclockwise. So again I switched it off and back on and again it was vice-versa. And again and again. I feel confused.
feel raped ?
it changes after a certain amount of time

at first anti clockwise though

if you pay attention enough it switches by doing so she changes her feet, when she goes anti clockwise she uses her right foot (the stretched one) and when she turns clockwise she uses her left foot
read my reply
and still the feet change after an amount of time !
eat shit and die tard
its fake or not :D
hi wow cheater
The whole thing about left and right brain half is so outdated...
im lefthanded! cool, hmmm?
fake, it stoped and started going other way...

Btw take a notice witch legs she spins... it changes and then changes the whole spinning
cant get it anti-clock :(
It changes after a while + it also turns both sides at certain moments, you retards have all been fooled and should gtfo.
it's no fake, srz :(
I knew most of the people on xfire are mentally retarded, but not to this kind of level, this is a very simple "brain" trick. And it just makes me sad reading these comments about it being fake.

IQ bellow 90 i assume... :(
idd, skepticism is a retarded thing
thats shit it changes direction ...
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