Sepp Blatter + Platini
5 Oct 2007, 10:23
Will they both fuck off and leave football as it is. They are fucking ruining the game!
Talk of limiting teams to 4 foreign players per team. Fucking ridiculous..... and that silly twat platini, why dont he fuck off back to france....
I'm sorry, but these two piss me right off, If i ever see them, i will idd slap them!
Talk of limiting teams to 4 foreign players per team. Fucking ridiculous..... and that silly twat platini, why dont he fuck off back to france....
I'm sorry, but these two piss me right off, If i ever see them, i will idd slap them!
or when he said that countries like venezuela, chile, ecuador etc couldnt play their homegames anymore, because its too heigh... just because brazil complained, gg
dont think they'll do it
or do u really think football should be the way u got it in the UK?
with all these bought star players from all over the world :x
look @ germany, we got:
most goals per match compared to the other top leagues
most spectators in stadiums
"cheap" prices for tickets
and lots of young talented german players, so our nationalteam is also owning again :)
just out of curiosity
arsenal like zero.. maybe walcott if u wanna name him
teams like barcelona and real madrid which i would consider as the top of club football in europe play with atleast 4-5 spanish guys, i think thats not overcharged
they should limit the forginers to 5 per team of 16 imo, teams like arsenal not even fielding a british person in their squad for a champ leauge game is shocking.. in the long run it will help english football.
dont want to end up like the scottish leauges.
Much rather see good football played at club level