My et died

Its true.. Since 2 weeks strange things are happening :< ..
1st i started listening headshots when i jump... and when i crouch i heard something like ppl knifing inside the walls.. and now, when i open et my windows / et sense change.. all fucking time. sometimes i have to use 0.8 sense.. and sometimes 1.6 etc....
I formated the pc 2 times, changed cfg, installed et again... changed drivers.. blabla... but both problems are still there

i know my english rox...


Random care for me please
dude =O

are you still playing on sunday ?
i will.. But i rly have to solve my problem.. i tryed all in last days.. but its not working!
wtf :D

use ultimate installerz
fu, u stole my "joke" :<
great mindes think the same
It's a devil thing...take it to father Love Joyce or Fernando, the Judomaster.

P.S Fernando it's a gentleman as i told to abort and some more. A true gentleman.
use the antivirus, but if u reinstalled ET you shouldn't hear that strange things,rebind the keys, reconfigure mouse settings in the control panel, or try to install another version of win (try the unattended edition)
tried all.. except other win version
1st antivirus
2nd check memory and if ur pc is not too warm inside
some time ago i remember sth like that it was too hot and after et gone shit it started to reset itself too. use pc probe
mmm... i only notice one strange thing... my pc is using more that 530mb of ram.. after i turn the pc one.. with only msn open :<
did u change smth @ hardware?
no :< nothing....
dont smoke weed plz
It's in your head
kaspersky anti spyware, try that

my ET was fucked once, but i had 15 trojan horses
this solved the problem though :>
"i heard something like ppl knifing inside the walls.."
fuck, man, u should rly end with this drugs :D
lololol its true.. i dont smoke / drugs!! for example.. it happened 30 mins ago... its strange i know :X
strAnge :S....
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