aTuner - what's allowed?

I was testing this tool called aTuner a little bit, exspecially to get a little better FPS in QuakeWars. So besides turning things like Antialaising OFF I clicked "OpenGL extra", then "optimize" and "maximum performance". This turned among other things "OpenGL MIP-map LOD bias" to 0.5 or something... But since I read, that this setting causes things like disappearing crosshairs and trees, I set it back to default (0).

In et:qw my fps improved a little bit.. instead of very unstable 10-30 before I got nearly stable 30 on a server with 10 players on different maps (sometimes when lots of explosions happen I stilll have drops to 20 fps though). Even in ET my fps improved a bit, I nearly get 125 on every map now :) well nearly... but I think it's better than before.

My question is: Are those settings I made allowed? As I said, I can't see through bushes or trees (in both et and et:qw), my crosshair looks fine, Textures seem to be as detailed as before. The biggest difference I can see is, that straight lines are not really straight but... well my english leaves me in the lurch now (i guess this sentence was bullshit, too). Just take a look at the following screenshots:

image: atuner

image: goldrush1

image: goldrush2
imo allowed but u will find after a week u got banned by PB. just like that fucking hacking tool called Macromedia Dreamweaver!!!
screenies seems ok
ass long you dont see thrue walls it fine btw fuck bushes and trees @ hitsounds
The changes you've made are ok. Just don't touch the MipMap bias, leave that one at 0.

Why are you rendering 3 frames ahead, and not 2? I would leave it at 2 to be honest.
I have no idea what's faster, as I wrote I just took the "Maximum performance" profile...
I see, well I always leave that one at 2. Never tried 3 eventhough the slider puts it at 3.

image: th_00468_untitled_123_171lo

I see we have the same driver. I do think that I'm going to uninstall this driver though. My Q3 is crashing from time to time with this driver.
(19:02:55) (malczik) 3on3 skilled noserv now
nothing wrong setting lodbias to 0.5
just use common sense as long as u dont see trough bushes or walls or what ever ur fine
with 0.5 my crosshair was blurry...
I think you guys need some other programs to see trough walls than Atuner/Rivatuner. Changing lodbias won't make you see trough walls and the effect on your performance is minimal..
it will make you see through trees like razz though ;) but I dont want that. and i noticed a little increase of performance ...
How much did it increase then?
Well he got huge FPS boost, it's WAY easier to hit, and You dont need to worry about trees and stuffs.
(18:19:08) (+sQ|alhric) lol
How can you play with such ugly setting lol =D
pretty much same as mine, just that mine is 5 times darker
image: shot0000qi1

Although I use different cross hair colour now.
That's really dark lol :0
makes the opponents "glow" a bit more if they are standing in the light, if they are in the dark, i cant really see shit : D
go play with your private haxx! LOL!

fucking retard...
hi, my name is ng! nice to meet you, 'moron'.
Go entertain yourself at someone else's expense, you bore me.
the irc is miranda SE:
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