back from the club!1

just came back from teh club located in dortmund.

it's 6:21 cet atm...

now i'm going to join my girl in the bed, have a good night!
Quoteback from the club!1 (1 comment)
Posted by _ng on Saturday 6th October 2007, 06:20
just came back from teh club located in dortmund.

it's 6:21 cet atm...

omkoat he's from zeh future
Posted by _ng on Saturday 6th October 2007, 07:20

na, it's the past
after me was in the club at tuesday im ill ffs..
so guys never drink from a beer what isnt urs.. -.-
get well soon!
nice excuse . . . mmhhh... no i havent taken any kind of drugs, i just drank someones drink :-)

im joking :-
... .... tru dat. aber davon magen-darm??

anyway was nice party, home at 7am. since then im in my bed. today frist day me can eat normally ;)
hi2u! sup that ure fine again . . .hope so . . .

naja magen darm . . .sounds like bacillus or smth.
that aint really smart ms. schnee!

mate of mine almost got alcohol poisoning last night had to bring him home and take his car to my place XD
i had less money and they all had beer and a cold(seems so).. :(
next time i only drink from mine

but it was an awesome party!! :DD
Nice shit really! i want to going to likes so club too
I like it Fuck Holland image: p_16642_comment this is the shit!
scheiss voll denabsturz gehabt gestern/heute (yer)
hope you had fun
fuck girl in toilet<all ;D
fuck girl in toilet>all ;D
image: p_16622_big

seems like Netherlands Sul1v was there too!
i got punshed in the face :<
nightrooms suxx

pm me if u wanna join one of our famous funkey or pony club parties at chism club duisburg!
son schuppen steht hier an jeder ecke
image: p_16700_comment The xfire guys were there too \o/
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