
/cg_crosshairpulse 1

Do a quick 180 with your mouse. See the huge ammount of spread.

Anyone that thinks this bug should be kept in the game "is a fucking retard" to paraphrase that really old cheaterbust avi.

ps: Stargate Atlantis S04E02 was najs.
Mac Gyver
read my comments on aim spread.
Noone cares lolololol
I dont think people flailing there arm around would get benefit from it being disabled.

There are really only 3 types of aimers... ridiculous highsens, people whom track, strafeaimers. You shouldn't be punished for moving your mouse :\.

QuoteFor instance the lightning gun in quake3 it doesn't follow the crosshair 100% even on 0 ping

Umm... are you sure about this. I can prove that it does.
it doesn't make you're own server and set truelightning to 0 (or was it 1? i'm forgetting) you'll notice there's a still a delaly going left/right.
it doesn't seem like it follows 100% because of lag. check higher sv_fps.
I've just tried it with sv_fps 125 it's still delayed left to right

I can easily feel it's delayed even cause if I stay on my target but wave my mouse around them I get lower accuracy. If there was 0 delay with lightning on LAN people would hit 80-90% accuracy.
dumbed down answer: it shows where you were aiming when the last snapshot was rendered. it's not intentional.
it does follow it 100%

cg_truelightning 1

and no you would never in a million years hit 80 percent on lan

even on the aim map q3amphi i struggle to hit higher than 60%

and i usually hit around 50-56% and people say it is unreal, the highest iv done was vs a noob and i did 70.4% to around 1800 lg fired, as the skill increases this gets lower because of dodging

in duel this drops to 44% and can drop to as little as 25/30

there wont ever be anyone that can hit 80
"If there was 0 delay with lightning on LAN people would hit 80-90% accuracy."

true lightning 1 just makes the beam always in the centre it doesn't show the delay cause there definitely is one more apparent with higher ping.

Of course 80% accuracy should be doable if the beam was always where it was tracking, someone in q3 amphi who strafes in one direction is very easy and should give almost 100% accuracy but you don't get that.

You can definitely feel a delay from left/right
well there is definately no delay with 0 ping

true lightning gives you a delay if you want one, i can track my opponent all the time, but:

no1 runs straight, thats my point, people always change direction, and thats when your accuracy goes down

feel free to watch me play, you will see what i mean... when i miss for 0.5 seconds my accuracy will drop 5, when i hit for 0.5 seconds my accuracy will go up 0.5

getting 80 is impossible against better players, you would only have a slight chance of hitting 80 if someone has never touched a pc game before.
Yeah and when you change directions the beam of the lightning gun needs to catch up that's exactly what I mean, it's why you're accuracy can never really pass 50-60% if however there was no delay at all you when someone changes directions and you react quickly you'd stay on the hitbox the whole time and maintain the same accuracy.
hmm maybe, i dno how fast my reactions are
Then against this noob offline you should have almost 100% accuracy right?
ET should have thought you to never test anything on localhost. Over LAN cg_truelightning 0 = 1 = straight beam.
we dont care about you + your fucking comment + your fucking life.
you obviously do care if you're mentioning this and where did I explicitly state that I wanted you to care? whatever floats your boat i say
You called on me to read your comments but I don't care about it. You got it?
So why not just not read them instead of wasting you're time posting "i don't care" I never asked you to care you don't need to state it, ever heard of "if you've not got anything good to say don't say it?"
nvm, sry mztik :}
Think he means that noone wants to see your crap, so stop spamm it out.
On the bright side, spread can randomly make up for people's god awful aim.
But it's fucking hilarious. I've had my ass saved one or two times by random spread in CoD2 when my aim failed me.

(Although CoD2 doesnt add extra spread for aiming I think, and ET shouldnt!)
Bah, just learn not to track. ;)
remove pronedelay
Viva La Revolution!
Season 4 started? Nice, didn't know. :)
Yup! :D

I was so depressed when we lost Carson, but tbh, Jewel Staite as the new lead doctor? Awesome! :D
Oh for fuck sake you fucking stupid tit, I've not fucking seen season three yet.

Don't worry, its not something epic your missing, although, it is kinda spoilerish, he only left the expedition, no major event :(

ps: Terribly sorry :'(
meez get on msn and get owned in a debate by me kthx.
the real allu ? !?!?!?! <3
Stargate Atlantis mf893hu45 was nice aswell. Try it.
thats one of the best features in et
Could it be removed with ETace ?

(btw, play with maccel, making short and fast movements increases less the spread than long & slow)
spread sucks
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