unban the 6-toes

S1xtus is banned and he whines about it:

Quote<S1xtuS> im banned again from xfire :<
<TheDuck> hahaha
<TheDuck> xD
<S1xtuS> but wtf
<S1xtuS> it was my brother!
<S1xtuS> :O
<TheDuck> :D
<TheDuck> ofc
<TheDuck> cheater!
<S1xtuS> like i would pick some noob name like S2xtuS
<TheDuck> ofc you would nablet
<S1xtuS> OMG

So admins now you see - IT WAS HIS BROTHER!!! PLZ CARE!!!!!

S2xtuS iz haxxorz name
change the 1day ban to a lifetime ban
its a month ban for his 1st account i think
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