usual cybergames story

somehow i still love that servers and always go there...

what usually happens:

i go and play some nice time ofc got pwned sometimes ofc pwning sometimes...
but 1-2 from the oppenent team always suspicious and kills me with luger or 45.
after thats happening like 5 times i start to thinking something is wrong with him
and wanna spec him ...

join spectators...
SURPRISE: the oppenent team is locked from spectators...
SURPRISE2: callvote kick trevize
SURPRISE3: trevize kicked.

okok i know the guys was surely clean but i just wanted to spec them.
but SOMEHOW this times its impossible.

this story happening too much times nowadays. bibuy public play!

EDIT: teamwork > all
have fun
who voted to kick you then? could also just be someone else who wanted a mate to join or something, spec --> kick
no, one of the guys i wanted to spec
cybergames sux
Lol yeh , i was connecting in cybergames server , loading cfg , vid restarting , but was still spec , all of this takes a total of 10 seconds

As soon as i was back in the game i saw a vote : Kick N1ck_V :>?

0.1 sec later sound is stuck , aka kicked -.-

SOLUTION1: join other team... /specunlock ... go spectator...spec him...
SOLUTION2: join other team.../kill ... spec the player
both wont work till the oppenent got more players and i cant join
true...but sometimes the server got balanced teams off
Trevize betudsz allni Cybergames-en az ellenfel csapatba akkor is ha 3-al többen vannak mert CB 6on6 configgal fut és abba nincs "balanced teams" :) :p
in cybergs you can join, there isnt balanced teams on :] Thats why it sucks when other team is getting raped and 30sec later everyone is joining the other team... and teams end up like 9vs3 -,- lock teams, kick all the team changers and play =D
1 ms to press teh button nAIZ HAXFLEX i mean REFLEX
The truth is I lagged!
never thought a lag will save my engie life
You can never understand the full power of 24/7 lagg. It's still unknown how to make it lagg and warp and make your hitboxes fucked up whenever you want. Only the greatest can do it. Aka PL.
LOL look who's talking people from Israel calling polish people laggers ?D:D:D:D:DD:;;:D/d:DD
cybergames = 1337 minutes spancamping at supply

1337 seconds * 60 times tho :P
nah...callvote 1337 minutes ;)

but i hate that -.-
Yeh and someone voted call vote 1.337 minutes today and those retards pressed F1

End of round , haha lol

Pissed :D
or braundorf, or to keep it exciting: supply depot 2
best part is when you change your name to "timelimit 1337" at the start of the match...then callvote referee yourself...
losers just see timelimit 1337 and they press F1 XD
then: kick them nabs!
lmao good idea xD
idd, works almost everytime :P
how vicious, but I like it :D
Like the ovs squad :)
got quite nice dmg ratio there yesterday night with the sniper. x-]
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