on (Dutch) TV tonight!

23:00 - Spuiten & Slikken!!!
wie kijkt??

for those who are interrested in wtf this is:
Spuiten & Slikken (Spit/Inject & Swallow) is a Dutch television program where they are going to try out all different kinds of drugs and sextoys and sexpositions XD
everything is shown and the interviews are all done under the influences of drugs (not just weed...coke, magic mushrooms, ether...everything!)

gotta love holland

EDIT: found an episode with english subtitles
Drugs are bad
Wat gaat er gebeuren vanaaf?
geen idee...ik zie het wel
ye i saw it in the 'tv gids' so i thought id watch it. is it a new season or smtn?
ye its the new season. i wonder what drugs they are gonna use this time
Sounds like another highlight in the history of Dutch television. What's next? Killing people live on national TV?
yes...its called the 8 o'clock news
It's not all done under influence :l, that was just 1 episode. But yea I'm gonna watch. I hope they're going to test drugs again though, because I'm mostly not interested in the favourite sex position of some random ''bn'er''.
i kinda liked the interviews :P

edit: and filemon's drugs adventures ofc \o
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