your last 5 minutes
7 Oct 2007, 21:13
mine: i finished an essay, proof-read it then went downstairs. i was going to watch some tv, but nothing was on. so i got myself a drink, came upstairs on facebook and found my dad sitting asleep against the window while the rugby was playing.
how about you?
how about you?
-made a new playlist for tonight
-thought a lot about where is foonr?
EDIT: naaiz :)
everything for u!
ok I have it also - a big bottle! even two!
Did i make U jealous mister?:P
- found out that wet boots I put on my monitor an hour ago, because central heating is not switched on yet, are dry now
- Chatting with a good friend of my about some serious things
owned , 2bad all porn accounts are down or smth
anniversarju ta zijieti u hmistax sick :/ cu msoma ax ha mmur norqod ax qomt fis 6
(22:24:30) —› can't join #MASCULINE_MANS (you're banned (+b))! Press Control+F2 to retry!
(22:24:30) —› Press (Control+F2) to retry joining (#MASCULINE_MANS)
reading pms from divinus
good decision!
i had sex with your girl too =/
weird i suppose
and girlfriend = router
You're slipping foonr!
wished because he can only dream
and router because thats what actually took place
actually i know someone who pretended to shag a lampost and came in their trousers! lulsh
Well... ewww... how would you know.. did it... did it stain? haha.
100th comment too pro
you know, I understand that there are raged loud people in all countries but it's sad to know that even in the most miniscule fractions of the population (gamers) british people have the a lot more loud, raged people than other european countries
I mean, when was the last time you heard an Estonian say "Oh my god, like! I wouldda' knocked him 'art, the cheeky cunt!"
*posting in a 2 day old journal*
you know you love it
ate some tortillas
oh and I scratched my balls
could you spam him to death? I would be very grateful
Shared first place, I was underdog and the chipleader (makes a living on poker) ask if I want to share first...
Just got home eating salad.
and chatting with a sexy girl :D