Steelsound 5H v2 Help.

My microphone cable is broke from the Steelsound 5H v2.

Where can i order this cable or what is the name of this part?


image: 5h_overview_b

the part in the right upper corner

Still dont know the name or where i can buy it... someone has a link for a website that sells them?
Ga naar de mediamarkt en vraag een van de verkopers of ze je kunnen helpen met je steelsound 5h v2

i can sell you mine, since im getting a new headset soon
Mediamarkt @ venray !
déja vu
you can simply buy it at every computer/electronics store afaik
nope tried 4 shops all of them doenst has it...
Try searching famous computer companys and locate the closest one to your home.
Tried some but without succes maybe you xfireguys knows it;)
hi kankerface
i was thinking about buying a 5h but i've seen so many people having trouble i'm actually rethinking it >:
Sennheiser HD555 buy it, its a really nice one. Onlyprob its without a mic,but just buy a cheap mic and its ok
they don't get sennheisers here in malta :/ + they're usually pretty expensive and i rly can't spend too much on a headset considering i'm buying a rly high-end pc :S
Oh to bad. Well i suggest u buy a Sennheiser PC151 and order it from a side and let them deliver it to ur home the headset cost 60€ and the deleviring dunnow !
that one i found at an ok-ish price for me (from so you'd recommend the pc151? coz i don't have much experience with headsets, up till now i bought good mice and mousemats but never a good headset, just a random cheap one.
yes i recommend u that one for sure. Its a rlly nice one with MIC and its very cheap for that quality. the quality is awesome and fuckin sharp u can better buy that one for that price then any other headset !
ok :) thanks for the help mate
ur welcome !
No it the usewise of the people i went to much with my chair over the cable then it brokes its my own fault
ic :S still, it shouldn't break with one accident. my 20euro shit headset fell a million times and it still works ;o
no i went like 2000000 times over it and then used like 2 months not my microphone because of holiday then i wanted to use it but the cable was broken -,-
ah that's a different story then ;x did you try going to the place you bought it from / emailing the site you got it from? i suppost it's pretty obvious but i think they should replace it for you
yes, but it not garentee
ah dno then ;x gl fixing it
i drop my SS 5H twice a day and it still works :P i've had it for almost a year now (since last christmas) so people having problems are either 1) idiots 2) unlucky 3) idiots
got the message :D
shitpieces, razer and steelseries :s they are so expensive but stop working after some time =/
They make you buy a new one :P
Yeah, but next time I buy something from some decent company like logitech or creative and stuff
Creative Hs600, 20 eurie en toppie :D (Y)
Sennheiser? ;)
I also have a problem with my steelsound, I have to put microboost ON in windows else people on comms can't hear what i'm saying. Even with sensitivity 1. What to do about it :/
yeah i also need to use microboost.. dont know if u can fix it..
i've had that with every single microphone i ever connected to any computer :)
but you are a noob that's why <3
Anders maak je hem gewoon :/
ook niet als je hem soldeert ?
I don't see what's broken to be honest (I've got two 5H v2's sitting right here), but I advise either contacting the people you bought it from, or use this.
U dont need that cabel lol.
but its more comfortable then 1 meter cable
mohahahha my fat ass dad sat on mine and it broke XD
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