mono sounds?

my sounds are mono ( i.e. i cant distinguish between left and right, its all 'middle' ) which as you probably guessed is a motherfucking bastard when trying to play any sort of game... especially if youre the last guy alive at sd2 flag defense!

ive set my soundmax settings ( yes, soundmax integrated mobo chip :XD ) to stereo headphones and all that bollocks... but its still mono... i will be buying a soundcard soon regardless, but would be nice to fix it before that...

anyone got any ideas how to solve this and make my sound stereo again? ;'(

<3 marvin
image: R.253%20MARVIN%20GAYE%2074
Hi sweety
sabo sabo sabo!
i think your headset is broke

mine does that! and now i cant use voice activation coz the mic is always on... and sometimes sound only comes from the right

i think cables fucked!

you got logitech by any chance? all my logitech stuff breaks!
its a sennheiser pc150... im beginning to think its my mobo sound chip rather than the numberous headsets i purchased... i cant plug the connector fully into the jack or the sound will go really quiet :XD

i sometimes get the one sided thing too... to solve that i just unplug them, put them into my hi-fi - turn it on - unplug them from the hi-fi, then back into the jacks... for some reason that fixes the problem... :\
if your connector is not plugged fully into a souncard no wonder that you are getting mono sound
if i plug it in fully, the sound goes really quiet and fucked :\
if your connector is not plugged fully into a souncard no wonder that you are getting mono sound
if i plug it in fully, the sound goes really quiet and fucked :\
turn it up on the controller of the headphones and turn it up in your soundcard settings. if you can't than plugging it in half way isn't the solution, either your soundcard or headphones are broken somehow.
both volume controls are max and when half-way in the sound is uber quiet
I'd definitely go for a perfoheiser even though Italy rizz told me that I should really buy a sennheiser :l
buy Hungary seNtiheiser !
you are most probably fucked.
I just got a sound card for free, gutted for you! Most likely faulty wiring and agree, phase cancellation sucks!
I have soundmax to but i have it set on 7:1 surround sound much better sound imo + i got that many speaker anyway
seems like your soundcard jack is broken
s_stereo "1"
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